Fig. 1.
Agglomerative clustering of t/RNA-NGS profiles of 69 grade II-IV gliomas. Clustering was based on expression levels of 145 genes of interest. Gene expression levels (in FPM) were transformed to a z-score for each individual transcript. After generating the dendrogram and heatmap using the average clustering method in R, histopathology results and mutation status were added in retrospect (legend and upper annotation bars). Cluster A and C strongly correlate with a wild-type IDH status, while cluster B is strongly associated with the IDH1R132H mutation (see also Additional file 4: Table S3). IDH2 mutations (R172K, R172M, and R172W) are annotated as IDH2-MT (black in the annotation bar) and all coclustered with the IDH1R132H mutation. IDH1-other refer to variants other than the IDH1R132H (see Table 1)