Fig. 2.
Kaplan-Meier analyses of unsupervised clusters. a For patients in clusters A (n = 26) and C (n = 5) median survival was 467 days and 135 days, respectively. For cluster B (n = 38) the follow-up period was too short to determine median survival. Survival of patients in cluster B was significantly better than of clusters A and C (both p < 0.0001). Survival in cluster A was significantly better than C (P = 0.008). b Oligodendroglioma patients in cluster B (diagnosed according to WHO 2016 classification, and treated with PCV) performed better than astrocytoma patients in this cluster (all treated with TMZ) (p = 0.04). Two patients (N16–06 and N16–10) were excluded from analysis because no survival data was present