Fig. 1.
DMR methylation enrichment in CVS, WBF and PL samples. Overall, DMR methylation enrichment in CVS, WBF and PL samples using (a) the 1453 common fetalspecific DMRs following MeDIPNGS analysis and (b) a subset of 331 fetalspecific DMRs using MeDIP in combination with insolution targeted enrichment followed by NGS. Posthoc comparisons showed significant statistical differences between the three tissues (P < 2 × 10−16) with higher enrichment in CVS compared to maternal DNA, confirming the hypermethylation status of the fetal DNA (CVS) as compared to the maternal DNA (WBF and PL). CVS: chorionic villus sampling; PL: female nonpregnant plasma sample; WBF: female nonpregnant whole blood.