Figure 2.
Visualization of the measured and predicted atrophy. (a) Visual comparison of measured and predicted atrophy displayed on the brain surface. The predicted atrophy is based on the absolute value of the fifth eigenmode of the healthy brain connectome Laplacian matrix. The measured atrophy pattern is based on the t‐value of the difference in grey‐matter volume in the 82 parcels from Desikan‐Killiany atlas. Colour range is chosen such that darker red represents greater atrophy. T‐values values were transformed to z‐scores for comparison. (b) Scatter plot showing linear association between predicted and measured atrophy in cortical and sub‐cortical nodes. Spearmans correlation values (r) and associated p‐values are provided within the scatter plot. The correlation analysis was performed for cortical and sub‐cortical nodes separately [Color figure can be viewed at]