Figure 1.
Experimental paradigm. A rule cue informed which of the two rules applied (pseudo‐randomized across trials and counterbalanced across participants). Rule 1 indicated that participants had to compare f1 against f2, while rule 2 indicated a comparison in the reversed direction. This was followed by f1 and f2 presented to the participants' left index finger. After the decision phase, participants compared their perceptual choice with a visual matching cue (an upward‐pointing triangle indicated “higher,” while a downward‐pointing triangle indicated “lower”) and reported a match or mismatch with a saccade to either the blue or the yellow dots on the target screen. The spatial locations of the colored dots switched across target screens and the color code were counterbalanced across participants. The matching cues and target screens were orthogonal to each other and pseudo‐randomly interleaved across trials so that participants were not able to anticipate the appropriate saccade directions during the decision phase [Color figure can be viewed at]