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. 2018 Dec 18;40(6):1898–1907. doi: 10.1002/hbm.24499

Table 1.

Brain regions identified as containing information related to choice, task rule, and both

Anatomical regions Cluster size MNI (x,y,z) t‐value Mean accuracy
R. IPL (PFm), IPS (hIP2, hIP3), SPL 953 32 −64 50 5.28 59.28
L. IFG, MFG, PreCG, SFS (FEF) 1,137 −58 18 32 5.28 53.52
L. IPL (PF, PFm), IPS (hIP1, hIP2) 661 −52 −42 36 4.66 56.92
R. PreCG, SFS (FEF) 249 34 4 52 4.58 57.95
Task rule
L. MFG, PreCG 1,001 −52 8 38 5.25 58.97
R. IFG, PreCG 512 58 12 32 5.21 58.24
L. SPL 567 −4 −70 48 4.99 59.84
L. IPL/supramarginal gyrus (PFm, PF, PGa, PGp) 422 −60 −50 34 4.97 57.88
R. SPL 249 20 −74 64 4.65 52.43
L. IFG, IFS, MFG, PreCG 377 −56 16 34 4.54

All results are reported at a cluster corrected statistical level of p FDR < 0.05 with an initial voxel‐wise threshold of p < 0.001. MNI coordinates, t‐values, and the mean accuracies refer to the peak voxel within each cluster.