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. 2019 Nov 19;322(19):1877–1886. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.16004

Table 3. Secondary Outcomes by Treatment Group, Overall, and Within Specified Subgroups.

Umbilical Cord
Delayed Umbilical
Cord Clamping
Risk Difference,
% (95% CI)
P Valuea P Value for
Infant Death, No./Total No. (%)
Overall 17/236 (7) 15/238 (6) 1 (−4 to 5) .70
By gestational age at birth strata
23 wk 0 d through 27 wk 6 d 14/93 (15) 13/89 (15) 0 (−10 to 11) .93 .68
28 wk 0 d through 31 wk 6 d 3/143 (2) 2/149 (1) 1 (−2 to 4) .68
By mode of delivery subgroups
Cesarean 11/180 (6) 10/159 (6) 0 (−5 to 5) .95 .43
Vaginal 6/56 (11) 5/79 (6) 5 (−5 to 14) .36
Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage (Grade 3 or 4), No./Total No. (%)
Overall 20/236 (8) 8/238 (3) 5 (1 to 9) .02
By gestational age at birth strata
23 wk 0 d through 27 wk 6 d 20/93 (22) 5/89 (6) 16 (6 to 26) .002 .003
28 wk 0 d through 31 wk 6 d 0/143 3/149 (2) −2 (−4 to 1) .24
By mode of delivery subgroups
Cesarean 10/180 (6) 6/159 (4) 2 (−3 to 6) .44 .06
Vaginal 10/56 (18) 2/79 (3) 15 (5 to 26) .004
Any Grade of Intraventricular Hemorrhage, No./Total No. (%)
Overall 57/236 (24) 50/238 (21) 3 (−4 to 11) .41
By gestational age at birth strata
23 wk 0 d through 27 wk 6 d 34/93 (37) 31/89 (35) 2 (−12 to 16) .81 .67
28 wk 0 d through 31 wk 6 d 23/143 (16) 19/149 (13) 3 (−5 to 11) .42
By mode of delivery subgroups
Cesarean 33/180 (18) 25/159 (16) 3 (−5 to 11) .52 .52
Vaginal 24/56 (43) 25/79 (32) 11 (−5 to 28) .18
Hemoglobin Level at a Mean of 4 (SD, 2) h of Life, Mean (SD), g/dL
Overall 16.5 (3.1) 16.4 (2.7) 0.06 (−0.52 to 0.65) .83
By gestational age at birth strata
23 wk 0 d through 27 wk 6 d 15.0 (2.8) 14.9 (2.4) 0.10 (−0.69 to 0.90) .80 .88
28 wk 0 d through 31 wk 6 d 17.6 (2.9) 17.4 (2.5) 0.18 (−0.53 to 0.90) .62
By mode of delivery subgroups
Cesarean 16.7 (3.0) 16.2 (2.6) 0.54 (−0.12 to 1.19) .11 .007
Vaginal 15.6 (3.1) 16.9 (3.1) −1.26 (−2.46 to −0.05) .04
Hematocrit Level at a Mean of 4 (SD, 2) h of Life, Mean (SD), %
Overall 48.6 (8.2) 48.6 (7.9) 0.05 (−1.55 to 1.64) .95
By gestational age at birth strata
23 wk 0 d through 27 wk 6 d 45.1 (8.0) 44.5 (6.7) 0.63 (−1.67 to 2.93) .59 .66
28 wk 0 d through 31 wk 6 d 51.2 (7.4) 51.3 (7.4) −0.04 (−1.95 to 1.88) .97
By mode of delivery subgroups
Cesarean 49.1 (8.1) 48.0 (7.5) 1.11 (−0.71 to 2.93) .23 .03
Vaginal 47.0 (8.5) 49.9 (8.5) −2.89 (−6.20 to 0.42) .09

Tests the null hypothesis that the risk difference within each subgroup is equal to 0.


Tests the null hypothesis that the treatment group effect on the outcome is the same for each gestational age at birth strata or mode of delivery subgroup. For binary outcomes, such as any grade of intraventricular hemorrhage, the Breslow-Day test for the homogeneity of odds ratio was used. For continuous outcomes, such as hemoglobin level, linear regression including an interaction term was used.