Table 2.
Conceptualization and development of key thematic areas
Emerging themes | Key theme | Topic areas investigated during FGDs and KII |
Community perceptions of the re‐trained TBAs as birth companions and nutrition advocates | Changing norm for TBAs service and care practices |
Awareness and recognition of the importance of the use of health facilities for maternity services. Community care seeking choices and decision making (practitioner preferences; reasons for this) Experiences of antenatal and postnatal care (characteristics of good quality care) Community preferences for care during and after pregnancy (reasons for this decision making about care) Perceptions of the re‐trained TBAs as birth companions and nutrition advocates |
Noticeable change in the TBAs scope of practice | Need for re‐orienting TBAs | Knowledge of TBAs and their experience after training (reorientation; counsel pregnant women on the need for ANC and delivery in the hospital; referral to health facility for women with complications during pregnancy period; promotion of adequate maternal nutrition; rest, dietary, and workload advice; and counsel women on importance of hygiene and environmental sanitation) |
Perceptions of TBAs on their new role as birth companions and nutrition advocates in the community | Adoption of TBAs to their new role | TBAs perspective of their new roles as birth companions and nutrition advocates (TBAs report being better at recognizing and reacting to complications in pregnant women and being able to advise women about when and where to seek help). |
Relationship between the re‐oriented TBAs and other health workers | Changing relationship among health workers and TBAs | Community perceptions with regard to the relationship between the TBAs, CHVs, and TBAs perspective of the new roles of TBAs as birth companions and nutrition advocates. |
Challenges to re‐orientation of TBAs | Barriers encountered by TBAs |
Community perception on the relationship between the TBAs and other health workers. Integration of the new roles of TBAs into the main health care system (incentivization and clear division of roles) |