Table 2.
Summary of proposed mechanisms for MNP interventions to improve complementary feeding practices
MNP programme component | Result/outcome |
Policy and strategy development |
Assessment of nutrition situation and IYCF issues by stakeholders ↑ availability of MNP in the country |
Formative research |
↑ awareness of context‐specific child feeding knowledge, attitudes and practices Improved design of BCC strategies and messages |
Training MNP providers |
↑ provider knowledge of context‐specific child feeding issues ↑ access to well‐tested BCC materials, including job aids |
Community mobilization and orientation to MNP | ↑ awareness among families and community leaders about recommended IYCF practices |
Health facility delivery of MNP |
↑ access to IYCF counselling (more frequent interaction) ↑ quality of IYCF counselling by health workers ↑ demand for IYCF guidance and support among MNP users |
Community‐based delivery of MNP |
↑ access to IYCF counselling and support (more frequent interaction, follow‐up) ↑ individualized IYCF counselling from CHWs ↑ demand for IYCF guidance and support among MNP users ↑ hands‐on learning opportunities for caregivers ↑ peer support for recommended IYCF practices |
Market‐based delivery of MNP | ↑ knowledge among MNP providers/vendors of recommended IYCF practices |
Monitoring and evaluation |
↑ routine data collection for key IYCF indicators ↑ evidence on effective strategies to improve IYCF |
Note. BCC = behavior change communication; CHW = community health workers; IYCF = infant and young child feeding; MNP = micronutrient powder.