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. 2016 Nov 14;13(4):e12392. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12392

Table 3.

Descriptive experiences of formula feeding mothers by overall sample, feeding type, and feeding intention

Formula feeding experience Overall N (%) Feeding type N (%) p‐value** Feeding intention N (%) p‐value**
EBF now EFF EFF Combi I‐EBF I‐EFF I‐combi
Guilty about choice of feeding method 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
No 197 (33) 57 (21) 83 (55) 57 (33) <.001 71 (21) 68 (66) 58 (36) <.001
Yes 404 (67) 217 (79) 69 (45) 118 (67) 267 (79) 35 (34) 102 (64)
Source of guilt 404 217 69 118 267 35 102
Internal 121 (30) 66 (30) 17 (25) 38 (32) .264 91 (34) 9 (26) 21 (21) .001
External 50 (12) 24 (11) 14 (21) 12 (10) 23 (9) 10 (29) 17 (17)
Both 223 (55) 127 (59) 38 (55) 68 (58) 153 (57) 16 (46) 64 (63)
Source of guilt*, 273 151 52 80 176 26 81
Media 130 (48) 74 (49) 22 (42) 34 (43) 91 (52) 12 (46) 27 (33)
Health professionals 176 (64) 96 (64) 33 (63) 47 (59) 114 (65) 16 (62) 46 (57)
Family members 94 (34) 49 (32) 9 (17) 36 (45) 65 (40) 4 (15) 25 (31)
Other mothers 186 (68) 106 (70) 32 (62) 48 (60) 120 (68) 12 (46) 54 (67)
Internet 177 (64) 106 (70) 35 (67) 46 (58) 113(64) 15 (58) 49 (60)
Stigmatized about choice of feeding method 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
No 191 (32) 81 (30) 39 (26) 71 (41) .009 118 (35) 28 (27) 45 (28) .172
Yes 410 (68) 193 (70) 113 (74) 104 (59) 220 (65) 75 (73) 115 (72)
Source of stigma*, 410 193 113 104 220 75 115
Media 180 (44) 91 (47) 42 (37) 47 (45) 105 (48) 30 (40) 45 (39)
Health professionals 244 (59) 113 (59) 74 (65) 57 (55) 125 (57) 52 (69) 67 (58)
Family members 117 (29) 56 (29) 18 (16) 43 (41) 74 (34) 11 (15) 32 (28)
Other mothers 255 (62) 138 (72) 59 (52) 58 (56) 144 (65) 33 (44) 78 (68)
Internet 229 (56) 115 (60) 63 (56) 51 (49) 122 (55) 48 (64) 59 (51)
Need to defend choice of feeding method 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
No 144 (24) 51 (19) 38 (25) 55 (31) .008 82 (24) 31 (30) 31 (19) .136
Yes 457 (76) 223 (81) 114 (75) 120 (69) 256 (76) 72 (70) 129 (81)
Source of defense*, 457 223 114 120 256 72 129
Media 62 (13) 34 15 (13) 13 (11) 37 (14) 10 (14) 15 (12)
Health professionals 265 (58) 123 (55) 76 (67) 66 (55) 140 (55) 49 (68) 76 (59)
Family members 181 (40) 92 (41) 30 (26) 59 (49) 113 (44) 16 (22) 52 (40)
Other mothers 314 (69) 162 (73) 72 (63) 80 (67) 174 (68) 42 (58) 98 (76)
Internet 197 (43) 107 (48) 54 (47) 36 (30) 108 (42) 39 (54) 50 (34)
Internal defense 222 (49) 123 (30) 34 (30) 65 (54) 160 (63) 14 (19) 48 (37)
Source of infant feeding information 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
Media 3 (<1) 2 (<1) 0 1 (<1) 1 (<1) 0 2 (1)
Health professionals 135 (23) 60 (22) 21 (14) 54 (31) <.001 91 (27) 16 (16) 28 (18) <.001
Family members 77 (13) 26 (10) 35 (23) 16 (9) 33 (10) 21 (20) 23 (14)
Other mothers 66 (11) 27 (10) 17 (11) 22 (13) 36 (11) 12 (12) 18 (11)
Internet 187 (31) 99 (36) 36 (24) 52 (30) 123 (36) 18 (18) 46 (29)
Own accord/previous experiences 133 (22) 60 (22) 43 (28) 30 (17) 54 (16) 36 (35) 43 (27)
Level of support from health professionals 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
Not supported at all 44 (7) 22 (7) 14 (9) 10 (6) .548 26 (8) 7 (7) 11 (7) .340
Minimally supported 125 (21) 58 (21) 31 (20) 36 (21) 78 (23) 17 (17) 30 (19)
Moderately supported 216 (36) 91 (33) 61 (40) 64 (37) 113 (33) 48 (47) 55 (34)
Very supported 135 (23) 71 (26) 26(17) 38 (22) 79 (23) 17 (17) 39 (24)
Extremely supported 81 (13) 34 (12) 20 (13) 27 (15) 42 (12) 14 (14) 25 (16)
Satisfaction with feeding method 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
Very dissatisfied 37 (6) 15 (6) 3 (2) 19 (11) <.001 33 (10) 2 (2) 2 (1) <.001
Dissatisfied 68 (11) 39 (14) 6 (4) 23 (13) 58 (17) 0 10 (6)
Neutral 89 (15) 43 (16) 9 (6) 37 (21) 63 (19) 6 (6) 20 (13)
Satisfied 153 (25) 88 (32) 27 (18) 38 (22) 95 (28) 13 (13) 45 (28)
Very Satisfied 254 (42) 89 (33) 107 (70) 58 (33) 89 (26) 82 (80) 83 (52)
Respect in everyday environment 601 274 152 175 338 103 160
Very disrespectful 21 (3) 6 (2) 10 (7) 5 (3) 0.003 7 (2) 8 (8) 6 (4) .004
Disrespectful 69 (11) 35 (13) 11 (7) 23 (13) 48 (14) 9 (9) 12 (8)
Neutral 142 (24) 72 (26) 26 (17) 44 (25) 92 (27) 18 (18) 32 (20)
Respectful 215 (36) 107 (39) 51 (34) 57 (33) 115 (34) 34 (33) 66 (41)
Very respectful 154 (26) 54 (20) 54 (36) 46 (26) 76 (23) 34 (33) 44 (28)

Note. EBF = exclusive breastfeeding; EFF = exclusive formula feeding; combi = combination feeding (all types); I‐EBF = exclusive breastfeeding intention; I‐EFF = exclusive formula feeding intentions; I‐combi = combination feeding intention (all types).


Participants could select more than one answer.


Bivariate differences in experience ascertained by one‐way analysis of variance and χ2 tests.

Percentages are calculated from participants who answered “External” and “Both” in the reference question.

Percentages are calculated from participants who answered “yes” in the reference question.

P‐value refers to the difference between all the options presented.