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. 2018 Jan 22;39(5):1929–1944. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23972

Table 2.

Peaks of activation during matching tasks

MNI coordinates (mm)
Location Cytoarchitectonic location X Y Z Z score Side
Ipsilateral right
Paracentral lobule 4a −6 −32 66 8.28 L
Posterior medial frontal −8 −10 66 7.44 L
Posterior medial frontal 10 −6 68 5.56 R
IFG (p. Opercularis) 48 10 12 7.32 R
Middle frontal gyrus 38 46 24 5.57 R
Supramargynal gyrus PFt/PFop (IPL) 56/60 −30/−24 38/26 6.74/6.25 R
Inferior parietal lobule hIP2 (IPS) 46 −40 48 5.65 R
Superior parietal lobule 7A (SPL) −22 −56 68 5.61 L
Precuneus 5l (SPL) −12 −42 67 6.95 L
Cerebellum (lobule V) 16 −38 −22 7.16 R
Cerebellar vermis (4/5) 2 −52 −6 6.17
Cerebellum (lobule VI) −36 −64 −24 6.53 L
Ipsilateral left
Paracentral lobule 4a 8 −28 72 8.30 R
Posterior medial frontal 4 −20 70 7.78 R
Posterior medial frontal −10 −6 72 4.99 L
Rolandic operculum OP1 −48 −30 20 5.86 L
IFG (p. Opercularis) 56 16 12 5.27 R
Middle frontal gyrus 40 36 26 4.12 R
Supramargynal gyrus Pfop/PFcm (IPL) −60/−48 −24/−34 22/24 5.74/5.96 L
Inferior parietal lobe hlP3 (IPS) 40 −44 48 5.60 R
Postcentral gyrus 4p 14 −40 66 5.56 R
Superior parietal lobe 7A (SPL) −18 −58 62 6.08 L
Superior parietal lobe 5l 20 −48 68 6.25 R
Cerebellar vermis 0 −52 −6 5.40
Cerebellum (VI) 32 −54 −30 6.37 R
Contralateral right
Paracentral lobule 4a −4 −22 72 7.66 L
Paracentral lobule 4a 6 −30 72 7.42 R
Posterior‐medial frontal 6 −14 72 6.94 R
IFG (p. Opercolaris) Area 44 46 16 0 6.83 R
Middle frontal gyrus 34 46 24 4.45 R
Supramargynal gyrus PFop (IPL) 60 −24 24 6.67 R
Supramargynal gyrus PFcm (IPL) −50 −38 26 4.87 L
Inferior parietal lobe hlP2 (IPS) 44 −40 52 5.27 R
Superior temporal gyrus OP 1 (SII) −50 −30 20 5.91 L
Postcentral gyrus 3b 12 −40 70 6.12 R
Postcentral gyrus 5l (SPL) 12 −52 74 4.80 R
Superior parietal lobe 5l (SPL) −18 −56 68 5.45 L
Cerebellum (lobule VI) −30 −62 −28 6.47 L
Cerebellum (lobule III) 16 −36 −24 6.36 R
Cerebellum (lobule VIII) −38 −58 −50 5.96 L
Cerebellar vermis (4/5) 0 −48 −12 6.73
Contralateral left
Paracentral lobule 4a −8 −26 72 7.21 L
Paracentral lobule 4a 6 −30 68 7.13 R
Posterior‐medial frontal 8 −16 72 6.79 R
IFG (p. Opercularis) 56 12 8 5.23 R
Supramargynal gyrus PFcm/Pfop (IPL) 58/62 −32/−26 30/26 6.19/6.06 R
Supramargynal gyrus hIP2 (IPS) 46 −40 34 6.12 R
Supramargynal gyrus PFcm/PF (IPL) −50/−62 −34/−40 24/34 5.01/4.88 L
Superior temporal gyrus PFcm (IPL) −50 −32 20 4.23 L
Rolandic operculum −46 0 10 4.82 L
Postcentral gyrus 5l (SPL) 14 −−52 74 5.93 R
Paracentral lobule 3b 10 −40 66 5.71 R
Precuneus 5l (SPL) −12 −46 70 6.31 L
Cerebellum (lobule IV–V) 18 −36 −24 6.32 R
Cerebellum (lobule IV–V) −28 −36 −30 6.22 L
Cerebellum (lobule VI) −30 −70 −24 5.92 L
Cerebellar vermis (4/5) −2 −48 −8 6.25