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. 2018 Jan 22;39(5):1929–1944. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23972

Table 3.

(A) Peak of activations of the comparisons between ipsilateral matching with right and left foot (IMA‐R > IMA‐L and IMA‐L > IMA‐R). (B) Neural correlates of position sense: peak of activations revealed by the contrasts between matching and motor task

MNI coordinates (mm)
Location Cytoarchitectonic location X Y Z Z score Side
A. Ipsilateral matching tasks comparisons
Paracentral lobule 4a −6 −36 66 7.07 L
Precuneus 5L (SPL) −14 −52 72 4.02 L
Precentral gyrus −14 −16 68 4.26 L
Postcentral gyrus 2 −26 −42 66 3.12 L
Cerebellum (lobule V) 16 −38 −24 6.45 R
Paracentral lobule 4a 10 −32 74 7.49 R
Superior parietal lobule 5L (SPL) 18 −52 72 3.91 R
Precentral gyrus 18 −18 76 4.54 R
Postcentral gyrus 2 26 −41 66 3.23 R
Cerebellum (lobule V) −18 −38 −24 6.56 L
B. Matching > Motor tasks contrasts
CMA‐R > Active bilat
Precuneus 7A (SPL) 12 −62 60 5.39 R
Precuneus 7P (SPL) 12 −70 56 4.57 R
Superior parietal lobule 7PC (SPL) 42 −50 60 5.19 R
Inferior parietal lobule PFm (IPL) 56 −48 50 5.11 R
Inferior parietal lobule hIP3 (IPS) 36 −46 48 4.71 R
Postcentral gyrus 2 46 −32 48 4.61 R
Superior frontal gyrus 24 2 56 4.99 R
Middle frontal gyrus 48 12 44 4.37 R
CMA‐L > Active bilat
Inferior parietal lobule PFt (IPL) 50 −34 46 5.13 R
Inferior parietal lobule hIP3 (IPS) 36 −44 48 5.02 R
Inferior parietal lobule hIP2 (IPS) 48 −38 54 4.71 R
Inferior parietal lobule 2 40 −36 46 4.69 R
Superior parietal lobule 7PC (SPL) 44 −46 58 4.88 R
Superior frontal gyrus 26 2 64 4.66 R
IMA‐R > Active unilat
Supramargynal gyrus hIP2 (IPS) 54 −36 42 4.49 R
Supramargynal gyrus Pft (IPL) 52 −34 48 4.11 R
Inferior parietal lobule hIP3 (IPS) 40 −44 42 3.91 R
Inferior parietal lobule hIP1 (IPS) 36 −48 42 3.89 R
Supramargynal gyrus PF (IPL) 58 −30 50 3.88 R
Postcentral gyrus 1 48 −34 56 3.22 R