Figure 4.
Group differences in connections between individual occipito‐parietal regions. (a) The difference in number of white matter fibers connecting occipital and parietal regions between RTS players and NVGPs. (b) The relationship between number of fibers in the occipito‐parietal pathway and SC2 experience (hours of playing SC2 game, RTS‐VGP group only). (c) The difference in number of white matter fibers within occipital regions. (d) Significant cluster of group differences in the occipito‐parietal, occipito‐occipital, and parieto‐parietal connections (blue nodes—occipital, red nodes—parietal regions). The black lines indicate the pairs of structures where RTS‐VGPs had significantly increased connections. All edges have the same size for visualization purposes. (e) Box plots show group differences in number of occipito‐parietal, occipito‐occipital and parieto‐parietal fibers for significant node pairs. For abbreviations of regions names, see Figure 2. The dot indicate presence of two subjects with values: 515 and 469. Only significant results are presented in the figure (after correction for multiple comparisons) [Color figure can be viewed at]