Figure 2.
(a) Grand average pseudo‐Z maps of the 11 participants in the Child Group for the iP1 time window indicate the strongest cortical activity in the auditory cortex contralateral to the stimulated ear for left and right monaural click‐trains and tone‐bursts. (b) Significantly larger dipole moments were measured in the auditory cortex contralateral to the stimulated ear for click‐trains (left ear stimulation: p = .03; right ear stimulation: p = .035). For tone‐bursts, contralateral activity was higher than ipsilateral for left ear stimulation (p = .03) but activity was bilateral (not significantly different between left and right) for right ear presentations (p = .283) (*p < .05). (c) Peak dipoles occurred at earlier latencies in the right than left hemisphere for stimuli (collapsed) presented from the left ear (p = .04). By contrast, latency was similar between hemispheres for right ear stimuli (p = .298)