Fig. 6.
Expression of NE in Il-17a−/− mouse retina and sera. Diabetes significantly increased the expression of NE in the non-perfused retina (a), perfused retina (b), and sera (c). They are all significantly decreased in Il-17a−/− mice. The protective effects on retinal vascular permeability from Il-17a−/− mice [44] may be followed by a reduction of NE. For the perfused retina, each sample was 7 retinas pooled. 3 separate pooled samples were run in triplicate. For the non-perfused retina, each sample was 5 retinas pooled; 3 separate pooled samples were run in triplicate. Each serum sample was pooled from lancet cheek draw from ten mice, drawn 2 months after they became diabetic; 3 separate pooled samples were run in triplicate. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. ***p<0.001 vs WT-N, †††p<0.001 vs WT-D