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. 2017 Feb 1;38(4):2276–2325. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23516

Table 3.

Guidelines for design and analysis of pharmacological RSfMRI studies

Minimum standards Advanced state‐of‐the‐art Section in text
Design Considerations
 Study Objectives Experimental Objectives and Clinical Relevance
 Pharmacokinetics 10‐min RSfMRIs, repeated as needed to cover the entire duration of drug administration and washout Fast RSfMRI Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) Modeling
 Baselines and Control Placebo Control Pre‐drug, post‐washout scans in both drug session and placebo session Biological Confounds
 Health condition Full screening of prescriptions as well as medical screening of physiological and metabolic state Biological Confounds
 Mode of administrations Single or multi‐dose oral PK‐controlled infusion Table 1
MRI Acquisition
 Anatomical T1W anatomical MRI TOF‐MRA Biological Confounds, Standardizing Multivariate Data Acquisition
 Functional fMRI T2*w EPI (TR/TE = 2,000/30), 5–10 min Ultrafast T2* , dual‐echo BOLD/ASL Pharmacological fMRI (Pharma‐fMRI), Spontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations and Functional Networks, Standardizing Multivariate Data Acquisition
 Blood flow pCASL VS‐ASL, TE‐ASL Arterial Spin Labeling and Cerebral Perfusion
 Myelination DWI Standardizing Multivariate Data Acquisition
 Functional connectivity Seed‐based or NOI‐based networks Dynamic FC, hierarchical clusters Spontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations and Functional Networks and Reliability, Reproducibility
 ICA sICA, tICA, gICA ICASSO, RELICA Spontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations and Functional Networks and Reliability, Reproducibility
 Graph Centrality, efficiency, small worldness, path length Dynamic modularity, assortativity Spontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations and Functional Networks, Dose/Response in Anesthesiology, and Reliability, Reproducibility
 spatial coherence REHO Spontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations and Functional Networks, and Reliability, Reproducibility
 Spectral features f(ALFF) Spontaneous BOLD Signal Fluctuations and Functional Networks, and Reliability, Reproducibility
 CBF Average biophysical model of perfusion weighted images ATT Arterial Spin Labeling and Cerebral Perfusion and Combined ASL/BOLD fMRI and Neurovascular Coupling
 BOLD signal Fitting a hemodynamic response to drug's pharmacokinetic curve. Pharmacological fMRI (Pharma‐fMRI), Dose/Response in Anesthesiology, and Methods Validation and Calibration
 Motion Realignment to a frame of reference Scrubbing, including motion regressors, ICA‐based correction Structured Noise and Artifact Removal and Reliability, Reproducibility
 Physiological noise Monitoring and regressing out (e.g., RETROICOR, RVHRCOR) Post hoc analysis of neurobiological correlates Biological Confounds and Structured Noise and Artifact Removal
 Global signal regression Controversial Compare results with and without regressors Structured Noise and Artifact Removal and Reliability, Reproducibility
 Registration Functional to anatomical Biological Confounds
 Stability Standardized acquisition and preprocessing Characterization of non‐stationarity, dynamic connectivity and hierarchical clustering Reliability, Reproducibility
 Test‐retest reliability Different subjects, similar biomarkers Same subject, same biomarker from repeated measurements Reliability, Reproducibility
 Interpretation Hybrid PET/MRI, hybrid BOLD/CBF, meta‐analysis Experimental Objectives and Clinical Relevance, Biological Confounds, Data‐Sharing and Meta‐Analysis of the Existing Data, and Contributions From PET
 Univariate analysis Mixed effect multilevel GLM Multi‐scale adaptive GEE, Sandwich estimator Statistical Analysis
 Multivariate analysis MGLM Machine learning (SVM, response prediction, GCP dose/response‐prediction) Statistical Analysis , Data‐Sharing and Meta‐Analysis of the Existing Data
 Statistical thresholding FDR, cluster‐correction, TFCE Permutation testing Statistical Analysis
Covariates of interest
 Structured noise Anatomical correlates of Physiology and motion Structured Noise and Artifact Removal
 Psychophysical states Eyes open/close Anxiety, arousal, physiological rates Biological Confounds , Structured Noise and Artifact Removal
 Circadian phases Control time of day Collect blood/saliva samples Biological Confounds
 Age and sex Control for variations in age and sex group analysis Include anatomical MRIs as a covariate in group analysis Biological Confounds