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. 2017 May 5;38(8):3988–4008. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23643

Table 8.

The top 10 features for each kind of network properties selected by the nested CV procedure as the most discriminative for TS classification

Global feature Nodal feature Edge feature
Property Counts Freq (%) Region Counts Freq (%) Connection Counts Freq (%)
λ (T = 0.09)* 198 99.0 IOG.R* 194 97.0 ORBinf.R‐PreCG.R 200 100.0
C p (T = 0.045)* 190 95.0 PUT.R 188 94.0 IFGtriang.R‐MFG.R 200 100.0
σ (T = 0.0575)* 190 95.0 HIP.L* 175 87.5 PCG.L‐INS.L 197 98.5
E glob (T = 0.085)* 156 78.0 IFGtriang.L* 150 75.0 CUN.R‐SOG.R* 192 96.0
σ (T = 0.075)* 155 77.5 SPG.L* 123 61.5 CUN.R‐DCG.R 190 95.0
C p (T = 0.0425)* 154 77.0 IOG.L* 118 59.0 DCG.R‐PCG.R 189 94.5
λ (T = 0.095)* 136 68.0 FFG.L* 108 54.0 CAL.L‐OLF.R 188 94.0
E loc (T = 0.045)* 130 65.0 AMYG.R 107 53.5 MOG.L‐SPG.L* 185 92.5
γ (T = 0.095)* 130 65.0 IFGoperc.L* 102 51.0 SOG.R‐ORBsupmed.L 185 92.5
E loc (T = 0.04)* 128 64.0 SPG.R* 85 42.5 SOG.R‐MOG.R* 184 92.0

Counts: the counts of each feature selected by our proposed method over the 20 rounds nested 10‐fold CV. Freq: the frequency of being selected equals counts/total times in 20 rounds nested 10‐fold CV (200 times). *Feature marked with a star (*) indicates that it was significantly altered in between‐groups statistical comparison.