Figure 1.
Top row: Voxel‐wise DTI and NODDI diffusion parameter estimates averaged over both groups of athletes. DTI parameters include fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD). NODDI parameters include volume fractions of intracellular water (VIC) and orientation dispersion index (ODI). Bottom row: Plots of reliable group differences in the same voxel‐wise DTI and NODDI diffusion parameter estimates, for athletes with a history of concussion, compared to those without. Effect sizes are reported in terms of bootstrap ratios, with cluster‐size correction at P = 0.05. Brain maps in the bottom row are shown as maximum intensity projections (MIPs) in sagittal and axial planes, and all images are centered on the MNI coordinates (x = 8; z = 6). [Color figure can be viewed at]