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. 2016 Sep 15;38(1):528–540. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23400

Table 2.

Estimated unique effects on log instability associated with group, age of onset, ipsilaterality to epileptigenic zone, contralaterality to epileptogenic zone, disease duration, and MTS status

Effect Estimate Standard error 95% Confidence interval
Intercept −1.36 0.055 (−1.45, −1.23)
Group: left‐right −0.063 0.048 (−1.56, 0.032)
Epilepsy duration 0.00016 0.0019 (−0.0048, 0.0022)
Ipsilateral vs bilateral 0.135 0.019 (0.098, 0.173)a
Contralateral vs bilateral 0.142 0.019 (0.102, 0.172)a
Ipsilateral vs contralateral −0.0072 0.02 (−0.044, 0.03)
MTS −0.036 0.053 (−0.14, 0.068)
Age of onset −0.0013 0.0018 (−0.005, 0.002)

Significantly different from 0 at 0.00001 level.