(A) Subtracting regions that showed goal‐specific activation differences (Increase>Decrease; Decrease>Increase) from the General Emotion Regulation Network (GERN) resulted in regions of interests (ROIs) for the multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA): Left inferior drontal gyrus (L_IFG, yellow), left superior frontal gyrus (L_SFG, blue), left middle frontal gyrus (L_MidFG, green), left intraparietal lobe (L_IPL, red), left superior parietal lobe (L_SPL, turquoise), left middle temporal gyrus (L_MTG, pink), right middle frontal gyrus (R_MidFG, orange), and right inferior frontal gyrus (R_IFG, violet). (B) Pattern classification results for reappraisal goals. The upper panel shows the results of the pattern classification based only on IAPS. The middle panel displays the results of the pattern classification based on the film clips. The lower panel illustrates the results of the cross‐condition decoding. Error bars represent standard errors. ***Indicates significance from chance level (50%) at p < 0.001, ** at p < 0.01, and * at p < 0.05 (Bonferroni corrected).