Fig. 2.
HPLC–DAD chromatograms of intracellular extracts (IC) of F. oxysporum LCP531 mycelial cells grown on define minimal dextrose broth (DMD) and extracted with a 50% aqueous methanol (extract IC2 shown in Fig. 1e), b then 50% aqueous ethanol (extract IC3), c > 99.9% methanol (extract IC4), and d MeOH:EtOH, 1:1, v/v (extract IC5) as extraction solvents. The IC samples described here were considered as the most representative due to the pigment composition and intensity of their coloration as shown in Fig. 1. Assignment of the bikaverin 1 and possible intermediates 2–6 (norbikaverin 2, oxo-pre-bikaverin 3, me-oxo-pre-bikaverin 4, dinor-bikaverin 5, pre-bikaverin 6) and the ergosterol-derivate 10 were done by HRMS according to their mass to charge ratio. The minor secondary metabolites, labelled as compounds 7a, 7b, 7c, 8 and/or 9 in the chromatograms were isolated but not identified