MamoAF overexpression induces vas expression in embryos. a Developmental western blotting analysis of embryos expressing full-length Mamo-FLAG under the control of matα4-Gal-VP16 driver. Embryos were cultured at 18 °C for indicated hours and subjected to western blotting with anti-FLAG antibody. Embryos cultured at 18 °C for 0, 6, 16 and 24 h are corresponded to embryonic stage 4, 9, 12 and 15, respectively. b Analysis of fractionated samples extracted from embryos expressing full-length Mamo-FLAG by western blotting. Embryos expressing Mamo-FLAG under the control of matα4-Gal-VP16 driver were cultured at 25 °C for 0–16 h and fractionated. Normalised load of each extract (7 μg) were analysed by western blotting with anti-FLAG, anti-Tubulin and anti-Histone H3 antibodies. Whole extract (lane 1), cytoplasmic extract (lane 2) and nuclear extract (lane 3) were loaded. c Analysis of fractionated samples extracted from embryos expressing MamoAF-FLAG by western blotting. Embryos expressing MamoAF-FLAG under the control of mat4α-Gal-VP16 driver were cultured at 25 °C for 0–16 h and fractionated. Normalised load of each extract (11 μg) were analysed by western blotting with anti-FLAG, anti-Tubulin and anti-Histone H3 antibodies. Whole extract (lane 1), cytoplasmic extract (lane 2) and nuclear extract (lane 3) were loaded. Full images of the electrophoreses are shown in Supplementary Fig. 16. d qRT-PCR analyses of Vas mRNA in wild type, Mamo and MamoAF overexpressed embryos under the control of matα4-Gal-VP16 driver. Error bars are SD of the mean. **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05 (two-tailed Student’s t test). e Double fluorescence in situ hybridisation for Vas and Elav mRNAs of wild type, the embryos overexpressing Mamo, MamoAF and MamoAF fragments under the control of matα4-Gal-VP16 driver. Elav is a neural marker. Confocal sections of the brain of the embryos are shown. The inset shows close-up image of wild-type PGCs. f Double-staining for Vas and neural marker Elav of wild type, the embryos overexpressing Mamo, MamoAF and MamoAF fragments under the control of matα4-Gal-VP16 driver. Arrows indicate PGCs expressing Vas. Arrowheads indicate ectopic Vas expression. Scale bar: 30 μm