Afferent projections from aiCAP, the target cell cluster of TM15.5 axons. A, Rhodamine-dextran focally injected into the aiCAP (arrowheads) of a P14.5 Neurog2CreER(G2A); Cdhr1tTA; TREtdTomato-sypGFP mouse that was given TM at E15.5. B, B’, Enlarged image of the aiCAP (arrowheads) labeled with dextran and DAPI. C, In a posterior section, the dextran-labeled axons make a small fascicle (arrow) coursing posteriorly through the GAD67-expressing plexus (arrowheads) in the OT polymorph layer. D, D’, High magnification of the dextran-labeled fibers (D), which surround neurons (yellow arrowheads), sparsely embedded in the fascicle (D’). Representative images from nine mice in which the aiCAP was successfully labeled with dextran. Scale bars = 500 μm (A, C), 100 μm (B, B’), and 50 μm (D, D’).