Figure 5.
Pro191 and Ala252 are critically positioned to influence long chain fatty acid binding to CD36. The extracellular domain of human CD36 (pdb: 5lgd) is modelled in cartoon format showing the secondary structure with α-helices in cyan, β-strands in magenta and loops in salmon. The surface of the internal hydrophobic ‘Y’-shaped cavity is shown in transparent grey. The two palmitates modelled in the cavity are shown as ‘spheres’ and coloured orange (carbons) and red (oxygens). Pro191 and Ala252 are modelled in ‘spheres’ and coloured elementally with carbon in green, nitrogen in blue and oxygen in red. The three portals to the internal cavity are indicated by arrows. The grey arrow indicates a portal to the base and rear of the protein which is shown in close up from the perspective of the membrane in the bottom right panel. A close up of the upper right portal and the breaking of α-helix 8 by Pro191 is shown in the upper right panel.