Figure 4.
Association of within‐subject variability in the intensity of the vicarious physical pain (PP) and social pain (SP) with hemodynamic responses in both groups. A: Neural network comprising the left anterior insula cortex (AIC) and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) that was significantly associated with the intensity of the self‐report during PP in the healthy control (HC) group. In patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) there was no significant correspondence between the intensity of the self‐report and the hemodynamic response during PP. B: Neural network comprising the left AIC and the ACC that was significantly associated with the intensity of the self‐report during SP in the HC group. In patients with ASD there was no significant correspondence between the intensity of the self‐report and the hemodynamic response during SP. C: Direct comparison between ASD and HC in terms of correspondence between SP self‐report and hemodynamic response. Stronger associations in ASD are coded in red, stronger associations in HC are coded in green. Parameter estimates of areas showing significant differences between groups are plotted together with standard errors at the peak voxel (Supporting Information Fig. S2 and Table IV). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]