Figure 4.
Experiment 2 Event‐related design: ROI activation of the supraliminal and subliminal condition. There were stronger responses of the left amygdala, left IFG, DMPFC, and PCC to negative versus neutral words. Statistical parametric maps of the ROI analysis are overlaid on an averaged T1 scan (radiological convention: left = right; A Amygdala, y = −4; D left IFG x = −44; E DMPFC, x = 2; and F PCC, x = 5). The plot shows the difference in mean parameter estimates of the clusters of the significant ROIs. In all ROIs, no differential activation was observed during the subliminal condition. Statistical maps of ROI‐Analysis that did not pass level of significance of P < 0.005 are displayed in B (Left FG, y = −45; P < 0.05) and C (Left angular gyrus, x = −50; P < 0.05). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]