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. 2013 May 14;35(4):1422–1435. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22263

Table 4.

Voxel‐based morphometry results showing regions of significant grey matter intensity decrease that correlate with recall performance unique to Alzheimer's disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) groups

Group Regions Hemisphere MNI coordinates Number of voxels
x y z
AD and controls Inferior temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus Right 66 −38 −22 1143
Frontal pole Right 10 60 −6 905
Precuneus, posterior cingulate cortex Bilateral 8 −56 20 672
Supramarginal gyrus, superior parietal lobule Left −38 −36 36 620
Hippocampus (anterior and posterior) Left −22 −16 −24 551
Inferior temporal gyrus, lateral occipital cortex Right 62 −58 −24 474
Paracingulate gyrus, superior frontal gyrus Right 14 20 38 456
Inferior temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus Left −64 −16 −34 380
Orbitofrontal cortex Left −24 16 −12 368
Precuneus, lateral occipital cortex Right 8 −74 50 324
Temporal fusiform cortex, parahippocampal gyrus, hippocampus Right 26 −6 −40 223
Supramarginal gyrus Left −58 −26 24 189
Middle temporal gyrus Left −46 −50 6 176
Hippocampus (posterior), thalamus Right 24 −34 −4 144
Inferior frontal gyrus Right 36 10 26 112
bvFTD and Controls Frontal Pole, paracingulate gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex Bilateral 16 68 −8 847
Inferior temporal gyrus (anterior), temporal pole Right 42 2 −44 767
Orbitofrontal cortex, temporal pole Left −28 16 −28 229

All results uncorrected at P < 0.001; only clusters with at least 100 contiguous voxels were used. All clusters reported t > 3.9. MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute.