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. 2011 Dec 1;34(1):109–149. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21416

Table XII.

Spatial location and extent of ALE values for study 2 (noxious heat)

Side Region BA x y z ALE value P value Cluster # Volume (mm3)
Left Anterior insula −40 18 6 0.025 <0.00001 1 4432
Left Posterior insula −44 −24 16 0.024 <0.00001
Left Lentiform Nucleus −22 0 −2 0.024 <0.00001
Left Lentiform Nucleus −22 −10 8 0.018 0.0004
Left Mid‐insula/claustrum −34 4 6 0.017 0.0002
Left Anterior insula/claustrum −34 10 6 0.017 0.0002
Left Anterior insula −30 18 8 0.017 0.0004
Left Lentiform Nucleus −24 −4 6 0.016 <0.00001
Left Posterior insula/claustrum −34 −16 10 0.014 0.0006
Right Mid‐insula/claustrum 34 4 10 0.033 <0.00001 2 2432
Right Anterior insula/claustrum 34 12 6 0.030 <0.00001
Right Thalamus 12 −20 4 0.029 <0.00001 3 1544
Right Thalamus 10 −10 6 0.013 0.001
Left Cingulate Gyrus 32 −4 10 40 0.024 0.0002 4 1288
Left Cingulate Gyrus 24 −4 12 32 0.016 0.0002
Right SII 40 52 −30 22 0.021 0.0002 5 1160
Right Posterior insula 40 52 −22 14 0.014 0.0006
Right Lentiform Nucleus 30 −14 8 0.018 <0.00001 6 688
Right Posterior insula 32 −10 18 0.018 0.0002
Right Cingulate Gyrus 24 2 −4 44 0.020 <0.00001 7 576
Left Thalamus −12 −24 12 0.022 <0.00001 8 552
Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus 38 46 2 0.021 <0.00001 9 464
Right Caudate 16 8 12 0.021 <0.00001 10 368
Left MI 4 −32 −22 50 0.020 <0.00001 11 304
Right Cingulate Gyrus 32 4 22 26 0.018 <0.00001 12 256
Left Anterior insula −46 6 16 0.013 0.0006 13 168
Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44 −48 0 12 0.013 0.0008
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus 46 42 36 24 0.014 <0.00001 14 152
Right Superior Frontal Gyrus 9 40 34 28 0.013 0.0004
Right Anterior insula 46 6 16 0.014 0.0002 15 144
Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus 44 52 6 12 0.014 0.0006
Left Posterior insula −40 −4 10 0.013 0.0006 16 80
Left Superior Temporal Gyrus 42 −54 −30 14 0.013 0.001 17 80
Right Thalamus 6 −18 14 0.013 0.0008 18 72
Left Posterior insula −52 −34 20 0.013 0.0006 19 64
Left Cingulate Gyrus 24 −10 4 30 0.013 0.001 20 64
Right Lentiform Nucleus 24 4 16 0.014 0.0006 21 56
Right IPL 39 48 −62 38 0.013 0.0008 22 56
Left Medial Frontal Gyrus 6 0 −10 52 0.013 0.0008 23 56
Right Lentiform Nucleus 22 −4 12 0.012 0.001 24 48
Right Posterior insula 36 −18 20 0.012 0.001 25 48
Left Superior Frontal Gyrus 6 −4 8 60 0.013 0.0008 26 48
Right Medial Frontal Gyrus 6 2 −12 62 0.011 0.003 27 48
Right Cerebellum 30 −76 −28 0.013 0.001 28 40
Right Cerebellum 8 −60 −12 0.012 0.001 29 40
Right Precentral Gyrus 6 50 −4 38 0.012 0.001 30 40
Right SI 20 −36 52 0.013 0.001 31 40
Right Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 18 −10 58 0.013 0.001 32 40
Left Cerebellum −28 −40 −42 0.012 0.001 33 32
Right Cerebellum 18 −72 −30 0.012 0.001 34 32
Left Cerebellum −20 −60 −20 0.013 0.001 35 32
Right Cerebellum 0 −52 −16 0.012 0.001 36 32
Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus 47 42 20 −4 0.013 0.001 37 32
Right Posterior insula/claustrum 36 −6 0 0.013 0.001 38 32
Right Lentiform Nucleus 20 10 0 0.012 0.001 39 32
Right SII 42 56 −12 12 0.013 0.001 40 32
Left Posterior insula −48 −20 24 0.012 0.001 41 32
Left IPL 40 −62 −40 28 0.012 0.001 42 32
Right Cingulate Gyrus 23 4 −22 28 0.012 0.001 43 32
Right Medial Frontal Gyrus 8 14 30 38 0.012 0.001 44 32
Left Paracentral Lobule 5 −10 −34 46 0.012 0.001 45 32

ALE values for Study 2 (noxious heat). ALE values refer to the likelihood of obtaining activation evoked by noxious heat stimuli in a given voxel of the standard template. Coordinates are in Talairach space [Talairach and Tournoux 1988]. Cluster #: The clusters are ranked according to their size in millimeters cubed (mm3). Abbreviations: BA, Brodmann's Area; x, medial‐lateral; y, anterior posterior; z, superior‐inferior; SI, primary somatosensory cortex; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; SII, secondary somatosensory cortex; MI, primary motor cortex.