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. 2012 Mar 22;34(8):1768–1782. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22035

Table I.

Parametric fMRI analysis

Region Side X Y Z BA t‐score P‐value (corr.) Size (mm3)
(a) Skin blood flow—Pain experience (contrasted with warmth experience)
Positive correlation
 S2 Contra 56 −21 18 40 6.442 0.000001 7,796
 AIC Contra 44 12 −1 13 3.758 0.000175 4,616
 PIC Contra 42 −2 0 13 3.355 0.000805 1,801
 ACC Ipsi −12 32 22 32 6.062 0.000001 8,293
 ACC Contra 5 30 7 24 3.207 0.000001 441
 DLPFC Ipsi −29 43 30 9 5.476 0.000001 6,671
 DLPFC Contra 22 44 43 8 6.149 0.000001 10,709
 MPFC Ipsi −13 47 21 9 5.483 0.000001 7,806
 SMA Contra 3 −15 53 6 5.488 0.000001 2,451
 PMC Ipsi −30 4 59 6 7.279 0,000001 12,404
 PMC Contra 24 7 59 6 6.428 0.000001 10,203
 M1 Ipsi −30 −24 57 4 3.340 0.000849 134
 PPC Contra 32 −62 52 7 8.295 0.000001 17,189
 PPC Ipsi −18 −75 56 7 5.592 0.000001 1,728
 IPL Contra 47 −60 38 40 6.808 0.000001 10,434
 Angular. gy. Ipsi −47 −69 35 39 3.542 0.000404 4,613
 Cuneus Ipsi −5 −73 21 18 4.601 0.000004 1,959
 Mid. temp. gy Ipsi −53 −20 −1 21 5.528 0.000001 6,648
 Parahipp. gy Contra 22 −44 −8 36 3.376 0.000746 567
 Thalamus Ipsi −18 −24 7 5.975 0.000001 7,145
 Midbrain Ipsi −6 −24 −10 5.007 0.000001 5,809
Negative correlation
 S1 Ipsi −16 −38 58 3 −7.204 0.000001 8,711
 IC Ipsi −36 −3 17 13 −3.626 0.000293 1,087
 ACC Contra 13 17 39 32 −5.186 0.000001 6,033
 MCC Ipsi −17 −13 35 24 −6.418 0.000001 5,835
 MCC Contra 13 −17 33 24 −8.074 0.000001 6,886
 MPFC Contra 5 64 26 10 −3.887 0.000104 2,182
 MPFC Contra 12 49 −1 10 −6.051 0.000001 4,416
 IPL Ipsi −38 −36 41 40 −7.062 0.000001 23,886
 Fusiform gy. Ipsi −19 −86 −12 18 −6.152 0.000001 25,339
 Lingual gy. Contra 22 −75 −6 18 −6.137 0.000001 46,448
 Cerebellum Ipsi −16 −51 −40 −3.930 0.000087 206
 Cerebellum Contra 30 −40 −29 −8.201 0.000001 12,761
(b) Skin blood flow—Pain anticipation (contrasted with warmth anticipation)
Positive correlation
 S2 Ipsi −53 −23 21 40 3.121 0.001826 122
 AIC Ipsi −38 15 2 13 5.985 0.000001 11,745
 PIC Ipsi −31 −19 15 13 5.412 0.000001 3,615
 ACC Ipsi −2 13 38 32 3.715 0.000208 1,197
 ACC Contra 9 13 40 32 5.809 0.000001 2,141
 PCC Contra 9 −37 39 31 3.771 0.000167 1,735
 DLPFC Ipsi −20 51 30 9 4.547 0.000006 3,869
 VLPFC Contra 38 42 21 10 3.288 0.001023 4,142
 MPFC Contra 1 41 46 8 5.169 0.000001 4,606
 PMC Ipsi −26 17 51 6 4.493 0.000007 5,817
 M1 Ipsi −34 −17 44 4 5.420 0.000001 3,079
 PPC Ipsi −35 −62 44 7 3.511 0.000455 247
Positive correlation
 PPC Contra 32 −41 57 5 4.760 0.000002 1,288
 Mid. temp. gy Ipsi −45 −34 −2 21 3.472 0.000526 4,411
 Hippocampus Contra 30 −29 0 5.775 0.000001 9,888
 Basal ganglia Ipsi −26 3 −1 6.408 0.000001 4,661
 Basal ganglia Contra 22 2 −6 4.626 0.000004 1,289
 Midbrain Contra −2 −19 −1 3.069 0.002171 662
Negative correlation
 S1 Ipsi −20 −32 65 3 −6.7723 0.000001 3,947
 S1 Contra 13 −33 67 3 −5.788 0.000001 4,341
 AIC Contra 33 16 6 13 −3.724 0.000187 1,315
 PIC Contra 32 −18 18 13 −3.306 0.000961 590
 VPFC Ipsi −28 53 −3 10 −5.296 0.000001 6,906
 MPFC Ipsi −19 30 31 9 −5.216 0.000001 1,844
 MPFC Contra 12 56 17 10 −6.616 0.000001 14,350
 STG Ipsi −54 −9 −4 22 −7.649 0.000001 13,593
 STG Contra 59 −36 11 22 −5.007 0.000001 2,799
 Cuneus Ipsi −18 −79 26 18 −5.394 0.000001 6,696
 Cuneus Contra 14 −76 32 19 −5.183 0.000001 10,906
 Thalamus Contra 10 −6 2 −3.108 0.001906 359
 Cerebellum Ipsi −43 −55 −40 −2.957 0.003135 181
 Cerebellum Contra 42 −42 −36 −4.111 0.000041 1,047
(c) Skin conductance response—Pain experience contrasted with warmth experience
Positive correlation
 S2 Contra 57 −21 16 40 4.990 0.000001 5,762
 AIC Ipsi −37 14 10 13 3.479 0.000511 201
 AIC Contra 46 10 −3 13 4.006 0.000064 9,085
 ACC Ipsi −11 30 25 32 4.598 0.000004 6,309
 ACC Contra 5 30 7 24 3.237 0.001223 210
 MCC Ipsi −5 −7 43 24 4.385 0.000012 706
 MCC Contra 1 −4 46 24 4.947 0.000001 1,611
 DLPFC Ipsi −26 41 34 9 5.505 0.000001 19,005
 DLPFC Contra 23 43 41 8 6.439 0.000001 18,468
 MPFC Ipsi −9 60 30 9 4.941 0.000001 2,476
 PMC Ipsi −3 11 57 6 6.280 0.000001 19,718
 PMC Contra 26 10 56 6 5.974 0.000001 14,494
 IPL Ipsi −48 −67 33 39 4.224 0.000025 12,932
 PPC Contra 36 −61 48 7 7.289 0.000001 19,258
 Sup. Ipsi −57 −12 −2 21 4.547 0.000006 3,695
 Fusifo. gy. Ipsi −37 −66 −11 19 5.208 0.000001 12,465
 Subcallosal gy. Ipsi −13 2 −14 34 6.439 0.000001 4,867
 Basal ganglia Contra 11 14 5 5.223 0.000001 5,568
 Thalamus Ipsi −15 −25 6 5.002 0.000001 10,921
 Midbrain Ipsi −8 −22 −4 3.972 0.000073 1,988
Negative correlation
 ACC Contra 19 13 39 32 −4.029 0.000058 4,069
 DLPFC Contra 51 9 26 9 −6.883 0.000001 6,814
 MPFC Contra 0 65 25 10 −4.724 0.000002 1,516
 MPFC Contra 9 40 29 9 −3.896 0.000100 856
 IPL Ipsi −41 −37 41 40 −5.817 0.000001 16,998
 IPL Contra 33 −35 41 40 −5.165 0.000001 9,252
 STG Contra 41 −38 3 41 −4.837 0.000001 10,676
 Lingual gy. Ipsi −20 −86 1 17 −5.372 0.000001 18,324
 Lingual gy. Contra 13 −81 −7 17 −4.040 0.000055 17,363
 Parahippoc. gy. Contra 24 −2 −13 −5.161 0.000001 6,250
 Cerebellum Ipsi −16 −51 −39 −4.016 0.000061 245
 Cerebellum Contra 30 −40 −26 −7.350 0.000001 13,732
(d) Skin conductance response—Pain anticipation contrasted with warmth anticipation
Positive correlation
 AIC Ipsi −39 16 8 13 4.730 0.000002 7,523
 ACC Ipsi −2 11 41 32 4.100 0.000043 2,124
 ACC Contra 10 12 40 32 5.762 0.000001 2,511
 DLPFC Ipsi −24 47 31 9 3.774 0.000164 3,970
 DLPFC Contra 44 35 22 46 5.594 0.000001 6,498
 MPFC Ipsi −5 45 21 9 3.866 0.000114 645
 MPFC Contra 8 29 55 8 5.012 0.000001 1,314
 SMA Contra 12 6 55 6 4.891 0.000001 1,876
 PMC Ipsi −26 20 51 6 4.862 0.000001 9,383
 PMC Contra 37 4 29 6 3.849 0.000122 1,668
 PPC Ipsi −2 −72 52 7 5.363 0.000001 1,756
 PPC Contra 25 −68 55 7 5.163 0.000001 2,117
 Sup. temp. gy. Ipsi −40 −30 3 41 4.382 0.000012 7,231
 Supramrag. gy. Contra 61 −46 31 40 7.037 0.000001 6,514
 Hippocampus Contra 31 −31 0 5.137 0.000001 4,563
 Declive Contra 13 −73 −14 4.433 0.000010 1,463
 Basal ganglia Ipsi −29 2 −1 4.963 0.000001 2,683
 Basal ganglia Contra 23 0 −6 3.891 0.000102 650
 Thalamus Ipsi −2 −19 0 2.234 0.020204 377
Negative correlation
 S1 Ipsi −22 −31 66 3 −6.145 0.000001 3,941
 S1 Contra 14 −35 67 3 −4.347 0.000014 1,948
 M1 Contra 42 −16 45 4 −3.257 0.001142 773
 DLPFC Ipsi −38 36 16 46 −3.005 0.002683 195
 MPFC Contra 8 60 19 10 −7.727 0.000001 13,076
 IPL Contra 44 −37 48 40 −2.807 0.005038 245
 Lingual gy. Ipsi −11 −81 −5 18 −5.685 0.000001 24,026
 Middle temp. gy. Ipsi −52 −12 −13 21 −5.556 0.000001 3,899
 Sup. temp. gy. Contra 56 −35 9 22 −4.251 0.000022 1,522
 Fusif. gy. Contra 41 −54 −13 37 −6.031 0.000001 8,300
 Cerebellum Ipsi −6 −67 −34 −5.892 0.000001 5,613
 Cerebellum Contra 8 −54 −36 −6.410 0.000001 2,482

S2, secondary somatosensory cortex; AIC, anterior insular cortex; PIC, posterior insular cortex; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; VPFC, ventral prefrontal cortex; DPFC, dorsal prefrontal cortex; SMA, supplementary motor cortex, PMC, premotor cortex, M1, primary motor cortex, PPC, posterior parietal cortex; IPL, inferior parietal lobulus; Contra, contralateral (right hemisphere); ipsi, ipsilateral (left hemisphere).