Table I.
Average surface area ratio and average depth for each brain region
Surface area ratio | Average depth | |||||
Left hemisphere (pial surf) | Right hemisphere (pial surf) | Left hemisphere (hull surf) | Right emisphere (hull surf) | Left hemisphere | Right hemisphere | |
Frontal | 0.3509 | 0.3533 | 0.3750 | 0.3777 | 0.1241 | 0.1230 |
Parietal | 0.2265 | 0.2302 | 0.1937 | 0.1909 | 0.1613 | 0.1625 |
Temporal | 0.1540 | 0.1482 | 0.1527 | 0.1489 | 0.1501 | 0.1507 |
Medial temporal | 0.0484 | 0.0441 | 0.0634 | 0.0598 | 0.0800 | 0.0757 |
Occipital | 0.1125 | 0.1164 | 0.1180 | 0.1261 | 0.1001 | 0.0986 |
Cingulate | 0.0364 | 0.0380 | 0.0509 | 0.0507 | 0.0637 | 0.0649 |
The pial surface is the area that includes the sulci, whereas the hull surface reflects corresponding region on the brain surface. The average depth measure is the average depth of the sulci within each brain region, measured from points on the hull surface to the points within the sulci.
Freesurfer parcellated regions used to define each brain ROI. Frontal lobe – caudal middle frontal, lateral orbitofrontal, medial orbitofrontal, paracentral, parsopercularis, parsorbitalis, parstriangularis, precentral, rostral middle frontal, superior frontal, frontalpole.
Parietal lobe – inferior parietal, postcentral, precuneus, superiorparietal, supramarginal.
Temporal lobe – bankssts, inferior temporal, middle temporal, superior temporal, temporal pole, transverse temporal.
Medial temporal lobe – entorhinal, fusiform, parahippocampal.
Occipital lobe – cuneus, lateraloccipital, lingual, pericalcarine.
Cingulate cortex – caudal anterior cingulate, isthmus cingulate, posterior cingulate, rostral anterior cingulate.