Relationship between BOLD signal change and spectral power change restricted to hand sensorimotor areas. (A) The rendering displays the spatial distribution of electrodes restricted to primary sensorimotor hand areas across all subjects. (B) Regression coefficients (B) from the regression model Y = XB+ε where X = [XHFB] for electrodes show that local BOLD signal change correlated positively with power change in HFB. (C) For all subjects the relation between the BOLD change predicted by the model and the actual BOLD change is shown. Note that the maximum BOLD signal change was larger in subjects 1, 2, 4, 5, and 7 (y axis). Specifically in these cases the correlation between BOLD signal change and HFB power changes was significant or showed a trend and a fitted regression line is shown. Subjects 3 and 6 were scanned on the 1.5T scanner, while all others were scanned on the 3T scanner. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]