Brain regions activated by t‐contrast [(congruent odor + salty taste) − (incongruent odor + salty taste)]. In comparison with incongruent combination, a salty‐congruent combination of odor and taste activated anterior insula ((a), MNI coordinates: x = −36, y = +14, z = −8), ACC ((b) MNI +9, +44, +4), and caudomedial OFC ((c) MNI −18, −32, −17). Right‐sided figures present contrast estimates of all stimuli conditions: OA = odorless air, CO = congruent odor, IO = incongruent odor, L and H = low and high concentrations, respectively. Reported activation was significant at P
uncorrected < 0.005 (≥3 voxels). For details, see Tables II and III. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]