Figure 2.
Right‐handed group. Whole‐brain activation during (A) unimanual right hand pantomimes and (B) bimanual pantomimes with the right hand leading projected over an inflated cortical surface mesh. C1: Depicts the contrast between bimanual versus unimanual tool use pantomimes with the right hand (leading). C2: The same contrast is detailed over the superior part of the brain and overlayed with the activation of a saccadic localizer task (in blue) at alpha (FDR) < 0.001. D: Whole‐brain activation during unimanual left hand pantomimes projected on an inflated cortical mesh. E: Describes the contrast between all tool pantomimes versus all control conditions. Colored boxes are drawn over lateralized regions of activation (red, premotor cortex; blue, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; green, posterior parietal cortex). All pantomime activation maps at alpha (FDR) < 0.05. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]