A: Z‐statistical difference maps between the AD patients and healthy eldely (without GM correction). The AD patients showed significantly decreased ALFF in the bilateral PCC/PCu, left LN, left OFG, and right ALC, and increased ALFF in the bilateral PHG, bilateral Hip, bilateral SFG, bilateral SMA, left FG, left PoCG, left ITG, and left STG. For the details of the regions, see Table III. B: Z‐statistical difference maps between the AD patients and healthy elderly (with GM correction). The AD patients showed significantly decreased ALFF in the bilateral PCC/PCu, left LN, and right ALC, and increased ALFF in the bilateral PHG, bilateral Hip, bilateral SFG, bilateral SMA, left FG, left PoCG, left ITG, and left STG. For the details of the regions, see Table III. The statistical threshold was set at |Z| > 1.96 (P < 0.05) and cluster size >1,404 mm3, which corresponded to a corrected P < 0.05. Of note, we showed the two‐sample t‐tests results within a mask showing significant group differences in the ANOVA analysis (Fig. 2A). R, right; L, left. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]