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. 2012 Jun 27;34(10):2669–2687. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22098

Table 2.

Activations in normal readers during the fMRI tasks

Brain region Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
MNI coordinates
x y z Z score x y z Z score
A. Pseudoword reading
Inf. frontal gyrus, pars triangularis −52 34 12 5.3a,ba
Inf. frontal gyrus, pars opercularis −44 14 24 6.1a,ba
Precentral gyrus −46 4 32 6.2a,ba
Sup. temporal pole −54 12 −6 6.4a,ba
Mid. temporal gyrus −64 −38 −6 5.6a,bd
Inf. temporal gyrus (LIMA) −50 −54 −18 7.0a,bb
Mid. occipital gyrus −26 −98 −6 Inf. a,bb
Fusiform gyrus −44 −56 −20 Inf. a,bb
Fusiform gyrus (VWFA) −40 −56 −16 7.5a,bb
Inf. occipital gyrus 26 −100 0 7.8a,bc
Cerebellum −42 −48 −28 Inf. a,bb 34 −76 −22 5.5a,bc
B. Word reading
Inf. frontal orb. gyrus −46 32 −2 5.5a,bb
−42 30 −8 5.3a,bb
Inf. frontal tri. gyrus −50 24 8 4.9a,bb 58 28 0 4.9a,bf
Inf. frontal op. gyrus −46 16 24 5.0a,be
Mid. temporal gyrus −58 −40 −2 5.3a,bc
−60 −36 −2 5.3a,bc
Inf. temporal gyrus (LIMA) −50 −54 −18 5.0a,ba
Fusiform gyrus −44 −52 −22 6.8a,ba
Fusiform gyrus (VWFA) −40 −56 −16 5.7a,ba
Mid. occipital gyrus −26 −98 −6 Infa,ba
−22 −100 −4 Infa,ba
Inf. occipital gyrus 34 −94 −4 4.5a,bd
Calcarine fissure 22 −100 0 Infa,bd
Cerebellum −40 −48 −26 6.8a,ba
−40 −70 −20 5.6a,ba
C. Auditory rhyming
Inf. frontal gyrus, pars triangularis −48 20 24 5.6a,bb
Sup. parietal gyrus −26 −74 46 5.3a,bd
Mid. temporal gyrus −60 −16 −12 7.7a,ba 62 −12 −14 5.5a,be
−58 −34 −4 6.0a,ba 58 −36 −2 5.5a,bc
Inf. temporal gyrus −50 −54 −22 5.5a,ba
D. Visual motion perception
Mid. frontal gyrus 48 −2 56 5.5a,be
Sup. parietal gyrus −20 −62 64 Inf. a,ba 22 −66 64 7.8a,ba
−28 −54 62 Inf. a,ba
Precuneus 8 −64 66 6.9a,ba
Mid. temporal gyrus 50 −70 0 Inf. a,bc
Sup. occipital gyrus −24 −88 28 7.6a,bb 28 −88 28 6.1a,bd
Mid. occipital gyrus −48 −78 −2 Inf. a,bb
Lingual gyrus −14 −82 −14 5.7a,bb
Cerebellum −40 −70 −20 6.6a,bb 42 −70 −20 6.2a,bc
22 −80 −16 4.8a,bf
E. Motor sequence learning
Sup. frontal gyrus 26 0 60 7.7a,bf
Sup. frontal med. Gyrus 0 24 40 5.0a,bd
Mid. frontal gyrus 40 40 32 7.0a,be
Inf. frontal oper. Gyrus 58 12 30 5.8a,bb
54 12 20 5.5a,bb
Rolandic oper. 58 14 2 6.7a,bb
Precentral gyrus −58 10 24 5.7a,bh
−54 6 40 5.2a,bh
SMA −2 0 58 6.9a,bd
Insula −34 20 −2 4.9a,bg
Sup. parietal gyrus −40 −44 62 Inf. a,ba
Inf. parietal gyrus 52 −38 54 Inf. a,ba
Precuneus 8 −66 62 Inf. a,ba
Sup. temporal pole −56 10 −6 5.8a,bg
Inf. temporal gyrus 58 −52 −16 6.2a,bj
54 −56 −20 6.0a,bj
Cerebellum −36 −62 −30 6.4bi 2 −82 −18 8.8a,bc
−30 −70 −26 5.9bi 24 −58 −28 6.5a,bc
Thalamus −8 −18 4 4.5a,bk 6 −10 6 5.5a,bl

aFDR corrected.

bFWE corrected.

Cluster‐size: (A) a = 3,054 voxels; b = 1,822 voxels; c = 256 voxels; d = 187 voxels; (B) a = 1,184 voxels; b = 364 voxels; c = 159 voxels; d = 158 voxels; e = 62 voxels; f = 17 voxels; (C) a = 906 voxels; b = 297 voxels; c = 198 voxels; d = 114 voxels; e = 51 voxels; (D) a = 2,603 voxels; b = 2,100 voxels; c = 1,093 voxels; d = 342 voxels; e = 88 voxels; f = 20 voxels; (E) a= 9,409 voxels; b = 1,040 voxels; c = 1,003 voxels; d = 838 voxels; e = 517 voxels; f = 344 voxels; g = 333 voxels; h = 191 voxels; i = 140 voxels; j = 134 voxels; k = 110 voxels; l = 55 voxels.