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. 2011 Apr 11;33(4):778–796. doi: 10.1002/hbm.21249

Table I.

Patients' demographic, clinical, and structural imaging data

Gender (age, years) Male (62) Male (21) Male (16) Female (69) Male (82) Male (87) Male (38) Male (63) Male (24) Female (24) Male (20)
Etiology Brainstem hemorrhage Trauma Trauma Anoxia Vascular encephalopathy Trauma Anoxia Anoxia Trauma Brainstem stroke Trauma
Time of fMRI (days after insult) 32 170 615 61 26 7 282 29 301 850 1,475
Outcome at 12 months Dead VS VS VS Dead Dead VS MCS Still MCS LIS LIS
Auditory functiona None Startle reflex Startle reflex Startle reflex None None Startle reflex Startle reflex Startle reflex Consistent movement to command Consistent movement to command
Visual functiona Blink to threat None None None None None None Blink to threat Visual pursuit Object recognition Object recognition
Motor functiona Flexion to pain Abnormal posturing Abnormal posturing Flexion to pain Flexion to pain Flexion to pain Abnormal posturing Flexion to pain Flexion to pain Flexion to pain Flexion to pain
Verbal/ Oromotor functiona None Oral reflexes Vocalization Oral reflexes Oral reflexes Oral reflexes Oral reflexes Vocalization Oral reflexes Oral Movement Vocalization
Communicationa None None None None None None None None None Functional accurate Functional accurate
Arousala Without stimulation Without stimulation Without stimulation With stimulation With stimulation With stimulation With stimulation Without stimulation Without stimulation Attention Attention
EEG background activity Diffuse theta‐delta, Right‐lateralized theta‐delta, nonreactive Irregular diffuse theta‐delta Left lateralized diffuse theta‐delta Symmetric theta‐delta, nonreactive Irregular diffuse theta‐delta, nonreactive Left‐lateralized theta, nonreactive Diffuse theta‐delta, nonreactive Not available Diffuse theta, transient delta Not available
Lesions on structural MRI Pontine hemorrhage extending to midbrain Diffuse axonal injury. Bilateral subdural frontal hygroma Diffuse atrophy with secondary hydrocephalus. Bilateral lesions of lenticular nucleus thalamus, and parahippocampal structures Diffuse bilateral white matter atrophy, caudate, thalamus, and parahippocampal lesions Diffuse cortical and subcortical atrophy. Bilateral basal ganglia and white matter lesions Subarachnoid hemorrhage, brainstem, left lenticular nucleus, temporal and multifocal frontoparietal contusions Diffuse white matter lesions Posterior occipitoparietal ischemia Corpus callosum, left thalamus, pontine, bilateral frontoparietal lesions Centro‐ protuberential lesion Pontine, midbrain, cerebellum, left thalamus lesions

VS, vegetative state; LIS, locked‐in syndrome; MCS, minimally conscious state.


Based on Coma Recovery Score‐Revised assessment.