Table I.
Regions that showed significantly greater fractional anisotropy in the ADHD group compared to the control group
Cluster | Anatomic definition [closest gray‐matter] (White matter tract) | Coordinates (mm) | Cluster size | P value |
1 | R Occipito‐parietal region (Cingulum) | 8, −76, 10 | 245 | P corrected < 0.01 |
2 | L Inf. frontal/striatum (Uncinate fasciculus) | −21, 10, −24 | 168 | P corrected < 0.03 |
3 | L Inf. temporal region (Inf. longitudinal fasciculus) | −40, −21, −35 | 156 | P corrected < 0.04 |
4a | R Inf. parietal region (Sup. longitudinal fasciculus) | 38, −60, 27 | 132 | P corrected < 0.06 (P uncorrected < 0.001) |
5a | L Inf. frontal region (Uncinate fasciculus) | −46, 29, −18 | 113 | P corrected < 0.08 (P uncorrected < 0.001) |
Note: Coordinates expressed in MNI stereotactic x, y, and z axes; the coordinate reported was the peak voxel in the cluster.
Trend to significance.