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. 2008 Jul 25;30(5):1652–1666. doi: 10.1002/hbm.20631

Table II.

Regions showing a significant main effect of cue validity at the 100 or 800 ms SOA

Region Cue Vadility
Side BA Invalid > Valid Valid > Invalid
X Y Z Vol X Y Z Vol
100 ms SOA
Frontal Lobe
 SMA and anterior cingulate M 6/32 1 8 50 14.575
 Anterior cingulate R 17 29 −8 0.666
M 24/32 −3 33 10 1.310
 Medial M 6/9 1 42 35 0.951
 Precentral and middle L 6 −31 −6 53 8.312
R 6 28 −3 56 4.957
 Precentral L 4 −32 −19 55 0.967
 Inferior, middle and precentral R 6/9 41 11 28 6.275
L 6/9 −44 3 31 5.854
 Anterior insula and superior temporal R 13/22 40 13 3 6.416
Temporal Lobe
 Middle and superior R 13/22 55 −43 8 0.713
L 13/22 −55 −45 13 2.873
 Middle and angular L 39 −45 −66 27 1.816
Parietal Lobe
 Precuneus R 7 16 −66 44 4.249
L 7 −14 −67 49 0.782
 Posterior parietal R 7/40 38 −48 42 10.648
 Precuneus and superior L 7 −38 −44 42 8.932
 Superior temporal and supramariginal R 40 57 −47 26 0.562
 Posterior cingulate M 31 −1 −40 33 1.872
 Thalamus and putamen R 10 −3 9 1.087
L −14 −10 7 2.160
Occipital Lobe
 Middle R 18/19 35 −81 5 0.704
 Uvula and pyramis L −11 −70 −30 0.566
 Tonsil (Lobule IX) L −11 −40 −40 1.900
 Lobule (VI/VIII), dentate, culmen and tonsil R 19 −56 −33 3.594
L −29 −56 −37 4.000
800 ms SOA
Frontal Lobe
 Superior and SMA R 6 10 −16 67 0.643
 Precentral R 6 32 −17 62 0.519
 Parahippocampal and fusiform R 36 28 −32 −13 0.591
Parietal Lobe
 Precuneus R 7 11 −55 57 1.571

Side refers to the hemisphere showing activation, where M, L, and R refer to midline, left, and right hemisphere. The Brodmann area (BA), the center of mass in Talairach coordinates (X, Y, Z) and volume (Vol) in milliliters are specified for each area of activation.