Panel A: Motor‐evoked potential recorded from the right APB; grand averaged data elicited during real TMS of the left MI in three successive stimulation blocks: the first: 1–200 magnetic stimuli (solid line), the second: 201–400 magnetic stimuli (thin line), and the third: 401–600 magnetic stimuli (dashed line). Panel B: Mean amplitude of the motor‐evoked potential (on the left) and of the power synchronization recorded over the electrode C3 (on the right) elicited during the first and the third blocks of stimulation. Bars correspond to the standard error of mean. Panel C: The scatterplot shows the significant correlation between the changes in the amplitude of the MEPs, i.e. a decrease, on the y‐axis and the changes in the power synchronization recorded over the electrode C3, i.e. an increase, on the x‐axis, between the first and the third stimulation blocks. The dotted lines represent 95% confidence limits.