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. 2007 Jan 31;28(7):681–690. doi: 10.1002/hbm.20300

Table IV.

Significant negative correlations with the auditory, motor, and visual cortices during resting state

ROI and region Cluster size, mm3 BA Talairach (peak) T‐score (peak)
Left AI
 Group 1
  R SFG 4185 8 18, 26, 46 14.31
  R Cerebellum 2133 48, −80, −24 11.34
  L SFG 2484 8 −18, 23, 46 10.93
  L Cerebellum 1647 −39, −63, −35 8.77
  B Brainstem 1944 −3, −40, −36 8.29
  L Cerebellum 3591 −36, −86, −23 8.02
 Group 2
  L SFG 2160 8 −15, 34, 45 11.95
  L Cerebelluma 2349 −12, −86, −39 10.15
  R SFG 2700 8/9 42, 31, 45 9.11
  B MedFC 1539 8/9 3, 51, 22 7.69
  R Cerebellum 1188 24, −83, −26 7.28
Right MI
 Group 1
  R Thalamus 1539 18, −5, 11 7.09
 Group 2
  L Precuneus 1755 31 −12, −66, 25 10.72
  R Precuneus 1917 7 9, −65, 34 10.00
  L SFG 1134 10 −27, 56, 22 9.49
Left VII
 Group 1
  B Precuneus 3510 7 6, −65, 42 9.64
  L AG/MTG 1917 39 −45, −71, 31 8.63
  B MedFC 1080 9 −6, 48, 22 8.25
 Group 2
  R AG/MTG 1323 37 48, −73, 45 8.98
  L AG/Precuneus/SPL 1296 7/19/39 −48, −74, 37 8.66

The threshold was set at P < 0.001 (corrected). ROI, region of interest; L, left; R, right; B, bilateral; BA, Brodmann's area; SFG, superior frontal gyrus; AG, angular gyrus; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; MedFC, medial frontal cortex; SPL, superior parietal lobe.


A large part of the cluster was out of the brain.