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. 2006 Mar 1;27(10):799–810. doi: 10.1002/hbm.20221

Table I.

Description of the Experiments and Foci of Activations

Active task Control task Modality of presentation Cued/free response (pace in sec if cued) Overt/covert response Run duration (s) Foci of activations in LIFG (x, y, z)
Phonological fluency
 Abrahams et al.,2003 Word repetition (“rest”) Auditory Cued (6) Overt 60 −46, 0, 26
−46, 7, 31
−42, 26, 15
−42, 17, −2
−38, 20, −7
−48, 10, 9
 Brammer et al.,1997 Word repetition (“rest”) Auditory Cued (15) Covert 30 −43, 8, 26
 Curtis et al.,1998 Word repetition (“rest”) Auditory Cued (3) Covert 30 −40, 8, 26
−46, 8, 37
 Fu et al.,2002
  Easy Word repetition (“rest”) Visual Cued (4) Overt 28 −51, 3, 20
  Hard Word repetition (“rest”) Visual Cued (4) Overt 28 −49, 22, −4
−48, 20, 8
 Hutchinson et al.,1999 Forward counting Auditory Free Covert 50 −46, 20, 22
 Knecht et al.,2003 Repetition of a memorized letter string (“bababa”) Visual Free Covert 15 −50, 6, 26
 Lurito et al.,2000 Visual fixation on a letter–like symbol Visual Free Covert 30 −53, 14, 6
 Perani et al.,2003
  Bilingual Silent rest Auditory Free Covert 30 −44, 10, 32
−54, 12, 24
−36, 36, 4
−30, 24, 4
−42, 28, 0
 Phelps et al.,1997 Word repetition Auditory Cued (3) Overt 48 −46, 24, 18
 Schlösser et al., 1999
  Males Forward counting Auditory Free Covert 50 −52, 30, 12
−48, 8, 26
−48, 14, 20
  Females Forward counting Auditory Free Covert 50 −48, 14, 26
−46, 28, 20
 Smith et al.,1996 Silent rest Auditory Free Covert 30 −47.5, 30.5, 2.5
−41.5, 38.5, 2.5
−45.5, 11.5, 24.5
 Paulesu et al.,1997 Silent rest Auditory Free Covert 30 −36, 24, 16
−36, 6, 20
Semantic fluency
 Paulesu et al.,1997 Silent rest Auditory Free Covert 30 −36, 24, 16
 Crosson et al.,1999 −30, 20, 12
  Neutral Word repetition Auditory Free Covert 18.4 −51, 20, 3
  Emotional Word repetition Auditory Free Covert 18.4 −51, 22, 3
 Crosson et al.,2001
  Free Word repetition Auditory Free Covert 17.4 −37, 25, 4
  Paced Word repetition Auditory Cued (2.9) Covert 17.4 −40, 30, 2
 Gaillard et al.,2003 Silent rest Auditory Free Covert 32 −48, 22, −6
 Gurd et al.,2002 Overlearned sequence (e.g., days of the week) Auditory Cued (2) Covert 30 −36, 4, 28
−36, 22, −10
 Pihlajamäki et al.,2000 Forward counting Visual Free Covert −38, 24, 6

Cued or free response: whether the subjects where prompted to produce a word by an external cue or were free to produce them at their own rhythm. Run duration (s): time in seconds during which the subjects had to produce words for each run of the active task (there were several runs per experiment). LIFG, left inferior frontal gyrus.