Contractile actin networks are generated by encapsulating
Xenopus extract supplemented with different concentrations
of the actin crosslinker α-Actinin. The inward contractile flow and actin
network density were measured (as in Fig.
1). (a) The steady-state network behavior is shown for a sample
supplemented with 10 μM α-Actinin (see Movie 4). A spinning disk confocal
fluorescence image of the equatorial cross section of the network labeled with
GFP-Lifeact (left) is shown, together with graphs depicting the inward radial
network flow and network density as a function of distance from the contraction
center (middle) and the net actin turnover as a function of network density
(right). The thin grey lines depict data from individual droplets, and the thick
line is the average over different droplets. The dashed lines show the results
for the control unsupplemented sample. The network contracts in a
non-homogeneous manner, reflected by the non-linear dependence of the radial
network flow on the distance from the contraction center. (b,c) The
concentration-dependent effect of α-Actinin on network density and flow.
The network density (b) and radial flow (c) are plotted as a function of
distance from the contraction center. For each α-Actinin concentration,
the mean (line) and std (shaded region) over different droplets are depicted.
The position of the network density peak moves towards the inner boundary with
increasing α-Actinin concentrations, and the radial velocity becomes a
non-linear function of the distance from the contraction center. (d) The
derivative of the radial velocity, , is plotted as a function of distance from the
contraction center. This function becomes position-dependent for
α-Actinin concentrations ≥ 4μM. According
to the model, this derivative should be approximately equal to the ratio between
the active stress and the effective network viscosities,
. (e) The derivative of the radial velocity,
, is plotted as a function of network density.
According to the model, this derivative should be approximately equal to the
ratio between the active stress and the effective network viscosities,
. For α-Actinin concentrations
≥4μM this ratio becomes density-dependent,
indicating that the scaling relation between the active stress and the effective
viscosity no longer holds.