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. 2005 Apr 25;26(1):15–29. doi: 10.1002/hbm.20113

Table III.

Brain regions that correlated positively with the precuneus/PCC (ROI centered at [0, −52, −30]) during resting state and eyes open

Region x y z BA Peak Z score
Prefrontal cortex
 L MPFC −8 70 20 10 12.89
 R MPFC 10 72 14 10 10.83
 L MPFC 6 60 36 9 10.58
 R MPFC −4 48 36 9 9.70
 L DLPFC −22 38 50 8 11.15
 R DLPFC 26 36 50 8 9.15
 L MPFC/vACC −4 48 2 24/32 4.49
 L inferior PFC −48 30 −12 47 5.55
Parietal cortex
 L angular gyrus −46 −72 34 39 11.36
 R angular gyrus 58 −62 28 39 6.86
Temporal cortex
 L anterolateral −60 −10 −22 21 11.04
 R anterolateral 62 −10 −22 21 9.99
 R temporal pole 52 8 −36 38 4.77
 L parahippocampal gyrus −26 −20 −20 36 4.73
 R cerebellum 26 −82 −36 5.13
 R cerebellum (vermis) 6 −62 −50 5.21

PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; ROI, region of interest; BA, Brodmann area; L, left; R, right; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; MPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; vACC, ventral anterior cingulate cortex.