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. 2002 Nov 8;18(1):30–41. doi: 10.1002/hbm.10075

Table III.

Significant activations during the evaluation of pleasant arousing words compared to neutral words*

Brain regions (BA) Number of voxels in cluster Talairach coordinates of local maximuma Z score of local maximum
Midline Cortical Activations
  L. Subgenual anterior cingulate (32, 25) 5 −10 24 −10 4.69
  R. Orbital frontal (11) 11 7 62 −14 4.43
  L. Frontal pole (10) 5 −3 58 10 4.21
  R. Medial frontal (6) 8 3 10 62 4.16
  R. Anterior cingulate (32, 24) 13 7 28 28 4.05
  B. Posterior cingulate (30, 23) 9 −3 −48 7 4.30
  B. Posterior cingulate and precuneus (31, 7) 13 0 −38 41 3.81
Left hemisphere activations
 L. Middle frontal (46, 9) 15 −34 38 21 4.44
 L. Inferior frontal (47, 45) 19 −55 31 −3 4.08
 L. Temporal pole (38) 8 −34 10 −21 3.99
 L. Middle frontal (8) 8 −48 17 45 3.92
 L. Planum temporale 14 −48 −38 17 3.76
Cerebellar/brain stem activations
 L. Medial cerebellum 19 −3 −76 −17 4.42
 B. Brain stem 81 3 −34 −28 4.07
  Periaquaductal region 0 −31 −10 3.90
 R. Medial cerebellum 14 14 −62 −21 3.74

Brain regions containing clusters significantly more activated during evaluation of unpleasant words than neutral words. A cluster is considered activated if it contains ≥ 5 contiguous suprathreshold voxels (voxel threshold = Z ≥ 2.57 (P ≤ 0.005), cluster threshold = P ≤ 0.001) and contains at least one local maximum voxel for which Z ≥ 3.73 (P ≤ 0. 0001). Additional regions with local maxima within the same cluster are indented following the strongest local maximum for that cluster. L = left; R = right; B = bilateral; BA = Brodmann's Area in the region of observed activation.


Highest local maximum in each region.