Fig. 2. Phylogenetic inferences of major clades.
Phylogenetic inferences were based on ASTRAL analysis of 410 single-copy nuclear gene families extracted from genome and transcriptome data from 1,153 species, including 1,090 green plant (Viridiplantae) species (Supplementary Table 1). a, Phylogram showing internal branch lengths proportional to coalescent units (2Ne generations) between branching events, as estimated by ASTRAL-II15 v.5.0.3. b, Relationships among major clades with red box outlining flowering plant clade. Species numbers are shown for each lineage. Most inferred relationships were robust across data types and analyses (Supplementary Figs. 1–3) with some exceptions (Supplementary Fig. 6). Data and analysis scripts are available at 10.5281/zenodo.3255100.