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. 2019 Nov 15;13:1234. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.01234



Effect of daily glucose injections on M/L-opsin+-cone survival. (A–P) Photomicrographs of wholemount Rd1 retinas analyzed at postnatal day (P) 60 immunolabeled for M/L-opsin. Representative images from glucose-injected eyes (A–D) and the respective contralateral untreated eyes (E–H), saline-injected eyes (I–L) and the respective contralateral untreated eyes (M–P) are shown. S-P, superior-peripheral retina; S-C, superior-central retina; I-C, inferior-central retina; I-P, inferior-peripheral retina. Scale bar 100 μm. (Q–S) Quantification of S-opsin-labeled cones in retinal wholemounts from Rd1 mice treated with daily unilateral subconjunctival injections of glucose or saline, and in the respective untreated contralateral eyes. Data are shown for the whole retina (Q), subdivided into central (R), and peripheral (S) regions. Values, shown as % of the untreated saline group, represent mean ± SEM, where n = 11–13. P < 0.05 by Student’s paired t-test (saline-injected vs. untreated contralateral eyes). There were no significant differences between glucose-injected and untreated contralateral eyes (Student’s paired t-test) or between saline-injected eyes and glucose-injected eyes (Student’s unpaired t-test).