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. 2019 Nov 15;10:2555. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02555


Measurement model.

Sense of community
My important needs are fulfilled because I am part of this neighborhood. 2.48 0.820 0.422 0.649
My neighbors and I value the same things. 2.28 0.787 0.384 0.620
This neighborhood has been successful in meeting the needs of its residents. 2.43 0.745 0.339 0.582
Being a member of this neighborhood makes me feel good. 2.65 0.810 0.495 0.704
When I have a problem, I can talk to the neighbors. 2.10 0.906 0.441 0.664
The people in this neighborhood have similar needs, priorities, and goals. 2.31 0.801 0.331 0.576
I can trust the people of this neighborhood. 2.25 0.770 0.430 0.656
I can recognize most of the residents in this neighborhood. 2.55 0.870 0.272 0.522
Most of the residents in this neighborhood know me. 2.48 0.865 0.274 0.524
This neighborhood has symbols and expressions such as signs and landmarks that people can recognize. 2.37 0.890 0.178 0.422
I put a lot of time and effort into this neighborhood. 1.95 0.848 0.423 0.650
Being a member of this community/neighborhood is a part of my identity. 2.13 0.905 0.561 0.749
Feeling that I belong to this community/neighborhood is important to me. 2.36 0.882 0.616 0.785
This community/neighborhood can influence other communities/neighborhoods. 2.10 0.828 0.293 0.541
I care what other residents in the neighborhood think of me. 2.06 0.957 0.329 0.574
I have an influence on how the neighborhood is. 1.82 0.847 0.315 0.561
If there is a problem in this neighborhood, the members can solve it. 2.31 0.768 0.349 0.590
This neighborhood has good leaders. 2.04 0.867 0.389 0.624
It is very important for me to be part of this community/neighborhood. 2.33 0.901 0.650 0.806
I spend a lot of time with other residents of the neighborhood and I really enjoy being with them. 2.07 0.931 0.555 0.745
I hope to be part of this neighborhood for a long time. 2.57 0.911 0.510 0.714
The residents of this neighborhood have shared important events together, such as holidays, celebrations, or disasters. 2.32 0.958 0.418 0.647
I feel hopeful about the future of this neighborhood. 2.49 0.879 0.493 0.702
The residents of this neighborhood care about each other. 2.28 0.802 0.422 0.649
Satisfaction with life
In most things, my life is close to my ideal. 4.39 1.382 0.693 0.832
The conditions of my life are excellent. 4.26 1.423 0.676 0.822
I am satisfied with my life. 4.72 1.451 0.771 0.878
So far, I have achieved the things that are important to me in life. 4.71 1.490 0.631 0.794
If I were to be born again, I would like everything to be the same again in my life. 4.01 1.770 0.446 0.668
Mental health symptoms
Were you able to concentrate properly on what you were doing? 1.22 0.675 0.124 0.352
Have your concerns caused you to lose much sleep? 1.13 0.898 0.286 0.535
Have you felt that you are playing a useful role in life? 1.02 0.671 0.208 0.456
Have you felt capable of making decisions? 0.93 0.687 0.164 0.404
Have you felt constantly overwhelmed and stressed? 1.24 0.922 0.376 0.613
Have you felt that you are unable to overcome your difficulties? 0.98 0.861 0.381 0.617
Have you been able to enjoy your normal daily activities? 1.07 0.665 0.244 0.494
Have you been able to address your problems adequately? 1.02 0.593 0.255 0.505
Have you been feeling unhappy or depressed? 0.86 0.872 0.608 0.780
Have you lost confidence? 0.55 0.763 0.547 0.740
Have you felt worthless? 0.39 0.709 0.502 0.709
Do you feel reasonably happy all things considered? 0.95 0.610 0.258 0.508
Number of diseases or health problems. “Have you had this problem in the last 12 months?” 1.97 2.217 0.801 0.895
Number of diseases or health problems. “Has a doctor told you that you have this problem?” 1.35 1.872 0.863 0.929
Number of diseases or health problems. “Are you taking or have you taken medication for this problem in the past 12 months?” 1.18 1.682 0.870 0.933

Endogenous variables sense of community (SOC), satisfaction with life (SWL), mental health symptoms (MHS), and illness (ILL).