Table 1.
Local names, distributions and traditional uses of Terminalia plants
No. | Plants | Local names | Distributions | Traditional uses |
T1 | T. alata | Unknown | Southern Vietnam [2, 3] | Anti-diarrhea, ulcer, diuretics, supplements [3] |
T2 | T. amazonia | White olive | Southern Costa Rica [4] | Wood |
T3 | T. arborea | Jaha Kling | Indonesia | Cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, stroke, cataract, shoulder stiffness, cold allergy, hypertension, senile dementia, inflammation, gum disease (e.g. gingivitis, pneumonia), Alzheimer’s, skin conditions [5] |
T4 | T. arjuna | Arjuna, White Marudah, Koha | India, South Asia, Sri Lanka [6] |
Cardiotonic, sores, bile infection, poison antidote [6] Coughs, dysentery, fractures, contusions, ulcers, hypertension ischaemic heart diseases [23] |
T5 | T. argyrophylla | Silver leaves Chebula, Xiao Chebula (Yunnan), Manna (Yunnan Dai language) | China (Yunnan) [7] | Autoimmune diseases [7] |
T6 | T. australis | Tanimbu, palo amarillo | Punta Lara, Argentina (Buenos Aires) [8] | Hemostasis |
T7 | T. avicennioides | kpayi, Kpace, baushe | Nigeria [9, 10] | Malaria, worms, gastric peptic ulcer [9], scorpion bites [10], tuberculosis, cough [90] |
T8 | T. bellirica | Beleric | China (southern Yunnan), Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, India (except West), Malaysia, Indonesia |
Laxative, edible Edema, diarrhea, leprosy, bile congestion, indigestion, headache [11] Fever, diarrhea, cough, dysentery, skin diseases [12] Wine, palm sugar [23] Diarrhea [94] |
T9 | T. bentzoe | Unknown | Rodrigues [13] | Essential oil [13] |
T10 | T. bialata | Indian silver greywood | India, South Asia | Wood [14] |
T11 | T. brachystemma | Kalahari cluster leaf | Southern Africa | Shistosomiasis, gastrointestinal disorders [15] |
T12 | T. brownii | kuuku, muvuku (Kamba, Kenya), koloswa (northern region, Kenya), weba (Ethiopia), lbukoi (Samburu, Kenya), orbukoi (Maasai, Tanzania), and mbarao or mwalambe, in Kiswahili | Southern and central Africa |
Diarrhea, stomach pain, gastric ulcer, colic, heartburn Genitourinary infection, urethral pain, endometritis, cystitis, leucorrhea, syphilis, gonorrhea, malaria, dysmenorrhea, nervousness, hysteria, epilepsy, athlete’s foot, indigestion, stomach pain, gastric ulcer, colitis, cough, vomiting, hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, yellow fever [16] |
T13 | T. bursarina | Yellow wood | Australia, South Asia [17] | Unknown |
T14 | T. calamansanai | Phillipine almond, Anarep | Philippines, Southeast Asia | Lithontriptic [18], horticultural plant [102] |
T15 | T. calcicola | Unknown | Madagascar Rain Forest [19] | Unknown |
T16 | T. catappa | Indian almond, umbrella tree, tropical almond | China (Guangdong, Taiwan, SE Yunnan), Australia and SE Asia, Africa, South America Tropical Coast |
Blood stasis, liver injury [20] Diarrhea, dysentery, biliary inflammation [23], dermatitis, hepatitis [106] |
T17 | T. chebula | Black Mytrobalan, Inknut, Chebulic Myrobalan | Nepal, northern India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh, China (Yunnan), Himalayan | Digestion appetizers, vomiting, infertility, asthma, sore throat, vomiting, urticaria, diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding, ulcers, gout, bladder disease [21] |
T18 | T. chebula var. tomentella | Weimaohezi (variant) | China (western Yunnan), Myanmar | Unknown |
T19 | T. citrina | Manahei, Yellow myrobalan | India, Bangladesh [22] | Dysmenorrhea, bleeding, heart disease, dysentery, constipation [22] |
T20 | T. elliptica | Indian laurel | SE Asia, India, Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam |
Wine, palm sugar Ulcers, fractures, bleeding, bronchitis, diarrhea [23] |
T21 | T. franchetii | Dianlanren | SW China [24] | Unknown |
T22 | T. franchetii var. membranifolia | Baoyedianlanren (variant) | China [western Guangxi (Longlin), central to SE Yunnan] | Unknown |
T23 | T. franchetii var. glabra | Guang yedianlanren (variant) | China (Sichuan and Yunnan Jinsha River Basin) | Unknown |
T24 | T. ferdinandiana | Gubinge, Bbillygoat plum, Kakadu plum, green plum, salty plum, murunga, mador | Australia [25] | Dietary supplements, skin care [25] |
T25 | T. glaucescens | Unknown | Nigeria [26] |
Amenorrhea, vaginal infections, syphilis, sores, neurological disorders Anti-plasma, antiparasitic, antiviral, antimicrobial [26, 27] |
T26 | T. hainanensis | Ji zhenmu, Hainan lanren | China (Hainan) | Antioxidant [28] |
T27 | T. intricate | Cuozhilanren | China (NW Yunnan and SW Sichuan) | Unknown |
T28 | T. ivorensis | Idigbo, Black Afara, Shingle Wood, Brimstone Wood, Blackbark | Cameroon, West Africa, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana |
Rheumatism, gastroenteritis, psychotic analgesics [29] Syphilis, burns and bruises [30] |
T29 | T. kaernbachii | Okari Nut | Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea | α-Glucosidase inhibitor activity [31] |
T30 | T. kaiserana | Unknown | Tanzania | Diarrhea, gonorrhea vomiting [44] |
T31 | T. laxiflora | Unknown | West Africa, Sudan Savannah |
Malaria, cough [32] Fumigant, rheumatic pain, smoothen skin, body relaxation [33] |
T32 | T. macroptera | Bayankada | Tropical (West Africa) | Wound, hepatitis, malaria, fever, cough, diarrhea, tuberculosis, skin diseases [34] |
T33 | T. mantaly | Unknown | Africa, Madagascar | Dysentery |
T34 | T. mollis | Bush willow | Africa | Diarrhea, gonorrhea, malaria, AIDS adjuvant therapy [35] |
T35 | T. muelleri | Ketapang kencana | Indonesia, SE Asia, South Asia | Antibacterial [36], antioxidants [37] |
T36 | T. myriocarpa | Qianguolanren | China [Guangxi (Longjin), Yunnan (central to the south), and Tibet (Medog)], northern Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, northern Myanmar, Malaysia, NE India, Sikkim | Antioxidant, liver protection [38] |
T37 | T. myriocarpa var. hirsuta | Yingmaoqianguolanren (variant) | Yunnan, China; Thailand | Unknown |
T38 | T. oblongata | Rose wood, yellow wood | Central Queensland [39] | Unknown [39] |
T39 | T. paniculata | Vellamaruth | India | Cholera, mumps, menstrual disorders, cough, bronchitis, heart failure, hepatitis, diabetes, obesity [40] |
T40 | T. parviflora | Tropical almond, umbrella tree, Indian almond | Sri Lanka and India [41] | Diarrhea [41] |
T41 | T. prunioides | Hareri, Sterkbos, Purple pod Terminalia, Mwangati | Southern Africa | Postnatal abdominal pain |
T42 | T. sambesiaca | Unknown | Southern Africa |
Cancer, gastric ulcer, appendicitis Bloody diarrhea [45] |
T43 | T. schimperiana | Idi odan | Africa, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Uganda, Ethiopia | Local burns, bronchitis, dysentery [42] |
T44 | T. sericea | Monakanakane, Mososo, Mogonono, Amangwe, Vaalboom, Mangwe, Silver clutter-leaf | Northern South Africa, Botswana (except central Kalahari), southern Mozambique, Tanzania, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Northern Democratic Republic of Congo, tropical Africa [43] |
Diarrhea, sexually transmitted infections, rash, tuberculosis [43] Fever, high blood pressure [44] |
T45 | T. spinosa | Musosahwai, spiny cluster leaf, Kasansa | Southern Africa |
Malaria, fever [46] Epilepsy, poisoning [47] |
T46 | T. stenostachya | Rosette leaf Terminalia | Southern Africa | Epilepsy, poisoning [47] |
T47 | T. stuhlmannii | Unknown | Acacia [48] | Unknown |
T48 | T. superba | Limba | Tropical Western Africa | Gastroenteritis, diabetes, female infertility, abdominal pain, bacteria/fungi/viral infections [49], diabetes remedies, anesthetic, hepatitis [50] |
T49 | T. triflora | Lanza, lanza amarilla, amarillo derío, paloamarillo |
Tropical (South America) Northern and Northwest Argentina [149] |
Making posts, furniture, weapons, fuel [149] |
T50 | T. tropophylla | Unknown | Madagascan [51] | Unknown |
SE southeastern, NE northeastern, SW southwestern, NW northwestern