Fig. 4.
MpaR functions as an anti-repressor of both monocin and ϕ10403S. a A plaque forming assay of WT Lm, ΔmpaR and Δmon mutants, as well as their complemented strains harboring mpaR gene on pPL2 (ΔmpaR+pPL2-mpaR and Δmon+pPL2-mpaR, respectively), 4 h post MC treatment at 30˚C. Also included ∆mpaR mutant that was introduced with mpaR-H54A variant on pPL2 (ΔmpaR+pPL2-mpaR-H54A). The results are normalized to PFU of WT bacteria. Error bars represent standard deviation of 3 independent experiments. b qRT-PCR analysis of transcription levels of indicated genes of monocin-cluster or ϕ10403S under SOS (4 h post MC treatment at 30˚C) in WT and ΔmpaR bacteria. Transcription levels are represented as relative quantity (RQ), relative to their levels in WT bacteria. The data represent three independent experiments. Error bars indicate a 95% confidence interval. c Growth of WT Lm, ΔmpaR and Δmon, as well as their complemented strains harboring the mpaR gene on pPL2 under the constitutive veg promoter (ΔmpaR+pPL2-mpaR and Δmon+pPL2-mpaR, respectively) without (left panel) and with (right panel) MC. The data shows the mean and the standard deviation of three independent biological repeats. d Western blot analysis of CI-like repressors cleavage by MpaR. Δmon/Δϕ bacteria harboring pPL2 expressing translational fusions of mon-CI-like-GFP (left panel) and ϕ10403S CI-like-6-His (right panel), in addition to MpaR or MpaR-H54A variant, under the tetR promoter. Equal amounts of total protein from bacteria grown in the presence and absence of MC were separated on 15% SDS-PAGE, blotted and probed with anti-GFP antibodies for mon-CI-like repressor or anti-6His antibodies for ϕ10403S-CI-like repressor. The experiment was performed 3 times, and the figure shows representative blots. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.