Figure 2.
Prognostic performance of the U-Net features. There are four survival categories being tested: 2-year overall survival (2-yr. OS), 5-year overall survival (5-yr. OS), 2-year disease-specific survival (2-yr. DS), and 5-year disease-specific survival (5-yr. DS). The U-Net features are compared against the conventional TLG metric, the 17 radiomics features defined in Oikonomou et al.34 and the benchmark CNN prediction model in Hosny et al.27. The box plots represent the average performance scores as indicted by the central mark and 25th and 75th percentiles across 6-fold cross validation experiments. (a) Overall prediction accuracy (proportion of the correct prediction over the entire data set). (b) Sensitivity (correct prediction of death over all death cases). (c) Specificity (correct prediction of survival across all survival cases). (d) AUC of the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve.